AEC college week 2020 winner hostel 5 husori শ্ৰেষ্ঠ হুঁচৰি দল অসম অভিান্ত্ৰিক মহাবিদ্যালয় আৱাস ৫

1 year ago

This is a genuine form of husori that was practised by our forefathers in the past. In this form, there were no female dancers; only men performed. The family's owner greets the group with the highest respect when they arrive at their home with the village chief, known as "gaonburha." The Assamese people believe that receiving a blessing from the community and giving back to it are the actual blessings and the highest forms of honour. After greeting the visitors or "raij," the performers of husori bless the family with their wishes for good health, fertility, successful cultivation, and fulfilment of all other wishes made by the family members.

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