放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★41

1 year ago


Fifteen meditation techniques
This is important for beginners, and even experienced meditators can find a lot to learn from: a fixed time, place, and regular practice are paramount. Routines can help calm the mind. It's hard to hold your mind, and when you sit down to practice mindfulness, it will always want to jump away. At this time, it is very sensitive to changes in the outside world, like a conditioned reflex, so the mind needs to use the help of a fixed time and place to calm down faster. The most effective times are dawn and dusk. That point in time is ruled by special spiritual powers. This time is called BRAHMAMUHURTA in Sanskrit, and it is 4-6 in the morning. During this time, the mind is clear, not yet disturbed by the things of the day, not disturbed by the mundane, and it is easier to reach a state of concentration. If you can't do it during this time, find a time when it's easier to quiet your mind when you're not getting caught up in your day-to-day affairs. Regularity is the most important consideration. Try to have a separate room dedicated to meditation. If that's not possible, block off part of the room and keep no one else in. That area is for meditation only, keeping it undisturbed by the waves of others. Burning incense here in the morning and evening. An icon or image of a saint is placed in the center of the room, and the cushion is placed in front of it. As the number of meditations increases, energetic wave frequencies will form in a room. In six months, the air will be calm and pure, and this room will have a wonderful atmosphere. Sit there when you're stressed, recite the mantra for half an hour, and you'll calm down. When sitting down, face north or east (India is in the south of the Himalayas, the Himalayas are holy places for spiritual practice, so meditating towards the direction of the Himalayas), this orientation is easy to receive the energy fluctuations of the sage. Sit in a comfortable and stable position, with the back spine and neck straight but not stiff. This will help stabilize the mind, increase concentration, and keep the chi (flowing from the base of the spine to the top of the head) unobstructed. The sitting position does not necessarily have to be a cross-legged sitting (traditional lotus pose, double-disc). Any comfortable cross-legged position will do as long as it provides a stable base for the body. This is to provide a triangular channel for the flow of energy, the flow of which must be controlled, not let it run wild. Metabolism, brain fluctuations, and breathing all slow down with increased concentration. Before starting, the next command, said to calm down my mind for a specific length of time. Forget the past, present and future. Breathing is conscious, regular breathing in the beginning. For the first five minutes, do deep abdominal breathing, which brings oxygen to the brain. The brain activity is then slowed down to a very subtle level. Maintain this breathing rhythm, inhale for three seconds and exhale for three seconds. While breathing regularly, it also regulates the flow of energy, the most important thing is the flow of energy. If chanting the mantra, the mantra should be in harmony with the breath. Allow your mind to wander at first. It jumps for a while, but eventually settles down. Don't force your mind to stop. This in turn adds another thought to the fluctuations in the brain. If the mind keeps wandering, just don't follow it, observe it, objectively, as if you were watching a movie.

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