



💪 Welcome to CBGAMING Channel

🏋️‍♂️ When I'm not hitting the weights at the gym (which is basically my second home), you'll find me diving headfirst into a variety of games right here on the channel. From intense shooters to laid-back simulations, we've got it all. And guess what? Your game requests are not just welcome; they're encouraged! Let's explore together.

🎮 But it's not just about the games – it's about the community. I'm all about making friends, meeting new people, and building a space where everyone feels like they belong. So, join the chat, share your favorite workouts, or recommend the next game we conquer together.

💬 Got a favorite game in mind? Drop it in the comments or chat during the stream – I'm all ears! Let's lift spirits, weights, and scores as we create epic gaming moments and lasting friendships. Subscribe, hit that notification bell, and let's embark on this fitness-infused gaming journey together!

Additional Details

Joined Mar 3, 2023

647,195 total views

291 videos