A Great Body Is Not A Short-term Goal Of Discipline

2 years ago

A Great Body Is Not A Short-term Goal Of Discipline - Self motivation OVER THE LONG-TERM is the absolute biggest keys to bodybuilding. it is HOW you succeed! Most people would see this as punishment. I see it as motivational! Why? Because so few people have the discipline and motivation over the long-term, if you employ a long-term strategy for a better body, that will make you one of the stand out people in all of society. I would estimate that at least 95% or more of those I see in the gym, will quit before they realize the best body they could have achieved? Why? Because most people don't have the long term goal of discipline. We live in an "Instant gratification" world. Thanks to video (in particular) and other social media, we all are exposed to elite body's everywhere. These elite body types are the best of the best. And they got that way because at some point they realized that they weren't going to wake-up in six weeks with the best body or even the body they desired in the first place. The motivational and self discipline goes out the window because it wasn't understood from the beginning that bodybuilding is a marathon - not a sprint. if you can become a master over your own motivational forces and rule your self discipline for the long run - you will win! Your body is slow at changing - so is the case for everyone else!

Start bodybuilding with a self assessment first. Is it REALLY worth long a term commitment for you to get the body you want? Be honest. If not - don't bother starting. Commitment and finding a way for self motivational upkeep are truly the #1 key to getting the body you desire. Give yourself a speech daily in the mirror if necessary. And know what you are in for. (In ancient times - instant gratification wasn't pervasive in society - this is a benefit to those who now see the long term picture and can self motivate themselves to greatness and a great body!) It means not only going to the gym (or working out) regularly (that is actually the easy part of getting an awesome body). It especially means getting your diet correct - with good quality protein intake DAILY. Your still not all the way there! It means getting good quality sleep and rest (there is a difference). Your body won't respond the way you want it to without all of these factors. Then there are minor considerations - supplementation or no? A body that makes a powerful statement takes time and dedication - otherwise everyone else would look great too. Part of my motivation and self-discipline is knowing that I will be a rare body if I am long term goal oriented. Long term motivational self control also has benefits OUTSIDE of bodybuilding. You will find that not only is your body vastly improved, but you will soon find it easier to find and motivational ways to other aspects of your life. By committing upfront to self control and doing the best you can do to stay the course,(or keeps the course) - it is not punishment, but a long term reward that awaits you - a great body that others can only dream of and makes others jealous).

What others might see as punishment, you will see as a positive. That is the mental shift that makes a great body that maybe you might even be inclined to video compilation of yourself some day. An awesome body awaits a self controlled mental attitude. It is the best chance you have of getting the body you want. Let NOTHING stop you. Write it down- "Nothing will stop me; nothing!" - place that in a place where it can help your discipline, motivational state, and self control. It literally is what separates an "okay" body from a great body. If you build it (a motivational outlook, self control and discipline for the long-term) it (your great body) will come! I promise.


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