Buttermilk Vs Curd: Know the Difference & Which is More Healthy

2 years ago


Buttermilk is a by-product of curd, and the two are nutritionally equivalent. Read more to know-how!

Updated on: 22 March, 2022 3:43 PM ISTBy: Binita Kumari

Curd and Buttermilk
Our dietary choices are not only important for satisfying our appetite and providing us with energy, but they are also important for sustaining our general health. Our diet has the potential to be both the cause and the cure for our illnesses. As a result, deciding what kind of food is best for your health might be difficult.

The difference between curd and buttermilk is one such widespread misunderstanding. Both curd and buttermilk are healthy foods.
They are both beneficial natural probiotics for the intestines. Buttermilk can help with digestion, hyperacidity, heartburn, and other stomach problems.
Curd too is nutritious and has therapeutic effects when consumed in the right way.

The Difference between Curd and Buttermilk
Both curd and buttermilk can be traced back to milk. In truth, buttermilk is a by-product of curd, and the two are nutritionally equivalent.
But, contrary to popular belief, buttermilk is not simply curd that has been diluted. Between the two, there's a world of difference.
Buttermilk is the liquid left behind after the curd has been churned. To separate the fats, it is first diluted with water and churned.
Herbs and spices are added to the buttermilk after it has been separated to increase its advantages.

Crushed and added spices include cumin, pepper, ginger, green chillies; curry leaves, and coriander leaves. This improves the drink's flavour as well as its medicinal properties.

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Curd vs. Buttermilk
Both curd and buttermilk are high in nutrients. However, to choose the best, you must first understand the differences between the two.
Here are five major differences between curd and buttermilk to help you choose the best option.

Their Nutritional Content
Buttermilk is high in calcium, vitamin B12, zinc, riboflavin, and proteins, among other nutrients. It helps in the growth of good bones, reduces high cholesterol, prevents cancer, and reduces stress.

Calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B12, B5, B2, potassium, and proteins are all found in curd. These nutrients help in the prevention of hypertension and heart disease.

It also helps maintain healthy teeth and bones. Experts say curd also helps in the reduction of tension and anxiety.

Their impact on the digestion
The major difference between curd and buttermilk is their digestion. Curd is difficult to digest, but buttermilk is a great digestive aid. Curd is difficult to digest and has a proclivity for fermenting in the intestines.

As a result, stomach problems might happen. Curd or yoghurt, according to Ayurveda, is a healthy choice, but it requires a strong digestive system.
Buttermilk, on the other hand, can help calm an inflamed stomach lining following a spicy meal.

It also helps in the treatment of hyperacidity, IBS, and stomach infections. Buttermilk is also a wonderful choice for folks who are lactose intolerant.
The right time to consume

It's important to eat the right foods at the right times. Curd consumption at night, according to Ayurveda, is a major mistake. So, the optimal time to eat yoghurt is around the lunch hour, when the digestive system is at its most active.
Buttermilk can be consumed at any time of day, according to Ayurveda.
However, 15 minutes before breakfast is the optimal time to eat buttermilk. If you have stomach issues, drinking buttermilk first thing in the morning can help.
Their impact on weight

When compared to curd, buttermilk has less fat and calories. Buttermilk is an excellent alternative for people looking to lose weight. Buttermilk has 40 calories per 100 grams, whereas curd has 98 calories per 100 grams.

Curd, on the other hand, is a better alternative for individuals looking to gain weight. Consuming it on a daily basis may also cause fat tissue accumulation, increased oedema, water retention, increased susceptibility to infections, and even constipation.

According to Ayurveda, eating lots of curd on a daily basis may increase your risk of diabetes. After a heavy meal, buttermilk helps in the digestion of lipids.
It cleanses the intestines and detoxifies the body. This refreshing summer drink can also help with constipation and gut flora nourishment.

Buttermilk is mostly composed of water and electrolytes such as potassium. Because of the dilution, it is without a doubt a greater hydrator than curd. A
s a result, it's one of the most popular rehydration drinks in the summer.
Curd, on the other hand, has a low fluid content. It is suitable for people on a liquid-restricted diet. Curd is an option for those with kidney difficulties or who are on dialysis.
Curd and buttermilk – Which one is better?

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