Pfizer Withdraws Vaxx From India, 3794

2 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.

Drug king, Pfizer has withdrawn it’s Crow-Vid Vaxx application to sell in India after medical regulators demanded – imagine this – demanded that they provide safety and efficacy data derived from the local, Indian population.

Why, oh why would Indian health regulators insist that a new vaxx be proven not to do more harm then good when used on the Indian population? Hmmm, perhaps it’s the very definition of a medicine – as opposed to a poison?

Pfizer had applied for emergency-use authorization of its Crow-Vid vaxx, claiming that it had already done safety and efficacy studies – in foreign countries. However, these studies have shown an unacceptably high rate of adverse events that have led some experts to state that when the safety and efficacy data is examined on a risk vs benefit ratio, there seems to be
Marginal benefits compared with risks that are a full order of magnitude greater than any previously-approved vaxx in the history of medicine.

Now what should a responsible health authority conclude? Should they approve a dangerous drug concoction based on such an adverse event history; or should they make their safety decision based on the public interest?

Yes, the COVID-19 Subject Expert Committee (SEC) decided to make the manufacturer prove that their vaxx is safe when studied in the Indian population.

According to a report by Reuters:

“Unlike other companies conducting small studies in India for foreign-developed vaccines, Pfizer had sought an exception citing approvals it had received elsewhere based on trials done in countries such as the United States and Germany.”

The reason for concern has manifested itself on a daily basis in the American press – if you know where to look, because this sort of news is the absolute heart of MSM censorship.

On Sunday, a British Columbia musician by the name of Nate Timesamillion
Posted the following on his Twatter page:
“Time for my 3rd dose! Get boosted, baby!

Sadly, the very next day, Nate had chest pains and was admitted to his local ER where the doctor told him that he had pericardidtis – swelling of the tissue surrounding the heart, and it may have been caused by the booster vaxx he had on Saturday.


So, that’s what happens when the average person places their trust in the once-trusted medical authorities of a nation.

India is working hard to maintain that trusted relationship.

Most of western civilization has destroyed that trusted relationship by promulgating medical disinformation at a cost of millions of unnecessary deaths – something we worked hard to counter, and thereby lost our YouTube channel and our income as a result.

You can always find where we are posting at the following URL: Or, simply go to:

I’m still reporting from the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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