1 28 Just for Today An every day addict

2 years ago

January 28, 2022
An every-day addict
Page 28

"We can never fully recover, no matter how long we stay clean."

Basic Text, p. 84

After getting a little time in the program, some of us begin to think we have been cured. We've learned everything NA has to teach us; we've grown bored with the meetings; and our sponsor keeps droning the same old refrain: "The steps-the steps-the steps!" We decide it is time to get on with our lives, cut way back on meetings, and try to make up for the years we have lost to active addiction. We do this, however, at the peril of our recovery.

Those of us who have relapsed after such an episode often try to go to as many meetings as we can-some of us go to a meeting every day for several years. It may take that long for us to understand that we will always be addicts. We may feel well some days and sick on other days, but we are addicts every day. At any time, we are subject to delusion, denial, rationalization, justification, insanity-all the hallmarks of the typical addict's way of thinking. If we want to continue living and enjoying life without the use of drugs, we must practice an active program of recovery each day.

Just for Today: I am an addict every day, but today I have the choice to be a recovering addict. I will make that choice by practicing my program.

Copyright (c) 2007-2022, NA World Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Matts Gratitude Text
oday, I am grateful for:

- my senses and being able to appreciate the world around me with them
- a reliable vehicle, and the time and means to travel this weekend
- being present for those important in my life
- the mild morning of 26°, after a few sub zero days
- a safe, comfortable place to live
- the depth of conversations I can have with my kids
- a new job arriving when I needed it, and the faith and prayer preceding
- that I'm able to make it through the non chaotic times when things are 'normal', as well as difficulties and stressful situations
- the great network of people I've accumulated in sobriety, and how willing they are to help others
- knowing that my parents always offer help, regardless of the fact I rarely take it
- the relationship with my brother becoming stronger
- the opportunity I have today, to make good choices and put effort into learning, growing, and sharing the good and kindness that has been shown to me

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