Jordan Peterson tells Joe Rogan the bible "is" truth | Christian Response

2 years ago

This was a fascinating interview between Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson.

Transcription of my comments:
It’s fascinating to witness the nature of man. Just a few years ago, Joe Rogan slandered those who believe the Bible for nearly an entire episode of his podcast. But, when there is an articulate professional like Jordan Peterson, he changes his tone.

It reminds me when the Apostle Paul went to Athens in the Book of Acts to share the Gospel but noticed the culture was filled with locals and foreigners who spent their time in nothing else but either to tell or to hear some new thing and many of them stopped listening mocked Paul when the exclusivity claims of the Gospel left no middle ground for them to continue just having itching ears for something new.

And I feel Joe Rogan represents this type of intellectual idolatry we see in our culture today, where everything can be entertained as important if it sounds intellectual and edgy enough, but when people are confronted with the reality of what the Gospel means concerning their need for repentance because they are not good according to God’s standard, the tone quickly changes, and no longer are they open minded.

What Jordan Peterson is talking about has earth shattering ` implications and is no small topic to be thrown in with everything else. It is the ultimate topic and I pray Mr. Rogan and his listeners humble themselves and not take the matter lightly. It sounds like Jordan Peterson is almost there.

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