Translation-Read description-Sweden Putting Covid Passport Microchip In Hands/Hugo Talks.

2 years ago

Here is a translation from Swedish chipper:

Chipper: … get a little chip inside the hand, that can be used to open doors and other practical every day functions.

Reporter: A chip in the hand? What does it mean?

Chipper: It is a little chip in the size of a rice grit, with a Smart ID code inside, that can be used to replace keycards, access cards etc.

You may also program custom information into this chips using a mobile phone. I currently have two chips in my body. I have one chip that is located here (pointing over his heart) that contains health sensors.
It measures my body temperature.

I can read theses data by swiping my phone over my clothes.
Then, in my arm, I have another chip that contains my personal data like contact info, blood group but also my Covid proof (evidence/certificate?).

I tap here (on) “Covid Proof” (person holding the iPhone over the chip) and look, “Hannes Sjöblad” (his name displayes) and the QR code is shown.

Chipper: I’m going to get chipped. I’ll get a magical chip in my hand so that I don’t have to carry key cards (key fob), I can use Swish (a Swedish payment system), I can “Swish” instantly by holding my hand up.

Reporter: There is a proof of the Vaccine in there as well. Is that something that you may use?

Chipper: It’s an insane amount of meta to have the Vaccine Passport in there. People think that they have it (note: all that meta data I suppose he menas), but the don’t have it. But now I can have it.

Reporter: So You will be chipped with the vaccine for real?
Chipper: Absolutely. That is a thing that I will get inside.

Chip inserter: Are You ready?
Chipper: Not at all, but go for it. What a fucking nail!
Chip inserter: I will pinch here.
Chipper: Ok
Chip inserter: I want you to breath in, and breath out.

Reporter: Ok, when it has been a few seconds, how do You feel?

Chipper: It feels great. It doesn’t feel at all. I… feel lie a little better human.
Totally dyed in the wool brainwashed sheep, some people with no will of their own or the capacity to think for themselves, dependent on the state for instruction on how to exist and live in society. Like lambs to the slaughter (literally) they will skip headlong into the abyss, all smiling in their complete happy ignorance.
Bleat if you’ve been boosted and chipped and the noise across the world was deafening!!
The brainwashing is general and complete.
Each country has been experimented on in a different way, for a very long time, to find the easiest and most economically feasible way to keep the flock stupid and subservient.
Sweden never did a lockdown, only recomondations,had low cases of deaths and they are doing this? Absolutely nuts.

So this will be coming to a city near you soon. Australia, Austria, Germany,Italy are doing some of the craziest communistic measures including lockdowns, forced jabs, no jab no food in some parts of the area.
Protests do not seem to work so the elites agenda appears to be going full steam ahead. Bill Gates said he fears "Small Pox" coming soon and wouldn't you know they found vials at PA Merck plant.

Then it's discovered on Fauci's watch that puppies and monkeys are being experimented with right now injecting them with all types of viruses to see how they respond. Covid19 was 100%

Plandemic and it probably came from both Wuhan and North Carolina. Jabs contain soft metals, poisons and so forth.

It will be the survival of the fittest and the survivors will get the honor of being the elite's slaves.

Look towards the Georgia guide stones and UN Agenda 2021 & 2030 and the World Economic Forum is highly involved. Time to fight this evil before it gets too big.
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