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InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report
Published on Mar 15, 2017

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Breaking: Retired Lt. General James Clapper & his partner in crime at the CIA, John Brennan, have been committing felonies & crimes since late last summer, deliberately leaking false information about Donald Trump's alleged ties to Russian Federation & accepting help from the Russians in defeating Hillary Clinton. Both of these US Intelligence agency traitors also were the only ones high enough up the ladder to authorize surveillance of Trump Towers (there are many ways to surveillance other than a FISA warrant to phone tap!), monitoring & then leaking General Mike Flynn's phone conversations with a Russian Ambassador - they also deliberately & with malice, leaked Donald Trumps phone call with Mexican President, released a memo regarding using 100,000 National Guardsmen to help arrest illegal aliens etc. & etc., & then gave such confidential info to the left wing press- these were illegal & treasonous attempts to de-legitimize and weaken the new 45th President of the United States. Now comes Julian Assange & WikiLeaks with the largest collection of highly confidential, classified CIA documents in history - some 74,000 pages to over 8,761 docs and some 22,000 IP addresses of people - many of whom were being illegally spied upon. Julian is now analyzing this extensive cache of top secret cyber weaponry(CIA created viruses, Trojans, worms, malware etc,) used against cyber targets & computer systems within our own country! Julian refers to this leaked CIA document dump as "Vault 7" - as with the Hillary Clinton 7 batches of emails - he is fond of the number seven being the number of completion. Those crucial email dumps help determine the outcome of the election, revealing the hard evidence of Hillary's crimes & massive collusion & corruption in the DNC. So too, on even a grander scale, this email dump to the public reveals to gross abuse of CIA power -( and as the NSA & FBI study and investigation just concluded) that the CIA has gotten too powerful & abusive with its resources & assets using them to even effectuate domestic US politics for or against certain candidates - that the CIA has been given the nod by Obama to go on a witch hunt of Donald Trump and his entire cabinet & staff- that lap tops and smart phones of Trump associates had stealthy malware remotely installed from the inner sanctum of CIA to which they have been compromised and monitored - WITHOUT FISA warrants (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court). Furthermore, that the CIA had over 22,000 IP addresses its cyber arsenal had been targeting and illegally in some cases. The WikiLeaks cache is loaded with hard evidence and may show that one of the IP addresses of interest was Trump Towers, Trump, his family and his staff which would prove that Ex CIA directors John Brennan & Ex. DNI director James Clapper have been bold faced lying all along. That a relentless & vicious smear campaign against Donald Trump of EPIC & treasonous proportions has been and continues to be conducted against the honorable President Donald J. Trump & his staff, trying to seditiously and unconstitutionally usurp the people's president and undermine the electoral process and will of the American people and electoral college. Sadly, it seems the CIA is deeply embedded with moles, leakers and traitors. Its almost as if the "DEEP STATE" left overs of the Traitor Obama, are clandestinely acting as an "ALTERNATIVE or SHADOW GOVERNMENT, using their superior spying technology to thwart our new Presidents executive power and sound decision making at every turn. May the truth of Julian Assange's evidence disclose the treasonous crimes and hidden evils in our duplicitous government one more time and bring all those responsible to JUSTICE SOON! God Bless Donald Trump & God bless America. Truth is marching on!

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