Senator Ron Johnson: Those Telling the Truth About COVID Vaccines Pay a High Price

2 years ago

Senator Ron Johnson: Those Telling the Truth About COVID Vaccines Pay a High Price

Opening Remarks by Senator Ron Johnson and His Roundtable Discussion on Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccines Held in Washington D.C. On November 2, 2021. He Invited the Heads of All the Federal Health Agencies, As Well As Representatives from The Drug Companies Producing the Covid-19 Vaccines, But None of Them Showed Up.

Senator Ron Johnson: "There Is No Need for Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates. If The Vaccine Worked and Stopped Transmission, Those Vaccinated Would Have No Fear of The Unvaccinated. If The Covid-19 Vaccine Does Not Stop Transmission, Then Mandating Them Is Pointless."

The Federal Government Is Ignoring Vaccine Injuries from The Covid Shots.

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