Saint Stephen - They Could Tell (Official Video)

2 years ago

Track 4: They Could Tell
Album: I Love Life, I Love You
Genre: Rap/Hip Hop
Release: 04/06/2020
Follow the link to go to buy, stream, and more! Bonus track available at my website!

Regard one another as more important than yourself. Though he came as God's son, Jesus did not come to play God or assert himself over men. Instead, he was made in the likeness of men as a bond-servant and followed this principle with mankind, God's creation, with obedience to the point of sacrificial death. If God came to us as man, than we are capable of this dedication to each other as well.

Follow me:

They knew
They could tell
They read my heart
They saw right through

Verse 1:
Hailing a ride after work one day
the driver spoke to me
this is what he had to say
he met a woman he was trying to save
his nerves were racked
afraid of himself
what he might lack
wanting to be free from a life of favors
she was tired of being the game played by players
Whether a fool
or knight of hope
he wanted her to move on, cope
to break free completely
You see

He was married so long ago
he forgot certain feelings
physical leanings
temptation gnawed at honest intent
time to back off or pree-sent
this was his chance to vent
To him it was a head and heart rush
his blood was pumping
with every second his heart was thumping
What was this guy getting into?
He must not be sure
whatever it is
the man has heart
the woman has allure

Turning to me
out of his lips came the words “pray with me”…
You’re a Christian
From the time you stepped in
you were gentle
it was not accidental
You lent me your ear
never dismissed me or my fear
Your tone clearly shows you respect your fellow man
you may not know what to say
just do the best you can
I’m at my wit’s end
cause I don’t know what’s around the bend

So we prayed
wishing him the best
that both may find peace and rest
I said whatever you do
do what’s right
keep God at the center
you’ve let this woman enter your life
don’t let your desire become self-centered
This woman knows your heart
she’s either looking for a hero
or she’ll tear you apart.
Looking down the road
we asked for clear perception
with each step
we act in His will
love without exception

For that driver
this I say
the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
I pray you are well
that you abide in the Lord’s strength
that his face is what you seek

They knew
They could tell
They read my heart
They saw right through

Verse 2:
Way back in university one day
a student spoke to me
this is what he had to say
he fought with sexual nature
discouraged in a sea of religious students
he felt sympathy was malnourished
We often talked through his last days there
comparing his feelings with others
laying the abundant hypocrisy bare
in himself, his brothers
it was good to clear the air
and share completely
you see

There was little affirmation
that was expected
the lack of compassion was what impacted
few friends by his side
wandering alone
no one tried to take him in stride
He knew everyone’s a sinner
fallen short of the glory of God
absence of sympathy made him bitter
those who recognized faults of their own
the need of a savior
wouldn’t die to pride and anger

Near the end of his time with me
he turned and said “pray with me”…
You’re a Christian
From the first time we spoke
you were respectful
it was not accidental
You lent me your ear
never dismissed me or my fear
Your conduct shows you respect your fellow man
You may not know what to say
just do the best you can
I’m at my wit’s end
but I trust you
you’ve made me your friend

So we prayed
though we didn’t see eye to eye
we thanked God we were able to meet
I sighed
I didn’t know what to say
I was a freshman
a long way from spiritual discretion
knowledge of the bible wanting
I was a youth in the midst of dawning
but a gay man saw Jesus in my heart
before I knew how much he was there from the start
Thank you my friend for sharing
Thank you for the bit part
For that student
this I say
I’m sorry…
Christ died for all
there is no catch
man’s love can’t compare
will never match

They knew
They could tell
They read my heart
They saw right through (7x)

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