Control vs Freedom - a visual illustration of advantage compared to outcome

2 years ago

(music by NF - “The Search”)

Let’s discuss three important components of any battle.

Fuel, Discernment & Sacrifice


When we are told to do something in opposition of our convictions, the result of that moment produces fuel.

What are we fueling?

We are at war. In war we must be prepared to face our enemy, to be entangled with opposing forces.

As this war escalates, expect to have moments invaded by those attempting to compel behavior contrary to your convictions. When this happens —

(a) recognize it as an enemy attack

(b) frame the context as spiritual warfare. The person wielding the attack is not your primary enemy, they are a conduit for destructive sin to act on behalf of an evil master

(c) a mechanism was just triggered to produce fuel that will impact the war.

There’s no turning off the fuel-producing mechanism once activated. These moments will always produce fuel. Avoiding the burden of responsibility is not an option we’re afforded. Only who to give the fuel to?

Compliance with tyranny produces the fuel needed to power the tyranny machine. Reducing the fuel reduces the momentum of motion, limits the reach of tyrants, which weakens their kingdom.

We reduce the fuel for tyrants by instead fueling the Kingdom capable of defeating tyranny.

When the Bible says that every single person is devoted to one of two masters, this was not in reference to a label or what we proclaim our loyalty.

It’s referring to what we set our minds on, which influences the desires of our heart, which leads to planting seeds for harvest, which produces the fruit of what we do, which fuels the machine of our master.

Do you see the order of things? We can’t start at the end. Victory in those moments do not hinge on whatever courage or willpower we can muster in the moment out of the reserves of our own strength. Did we prepare for that moment by being equipped for it?

And it all starts with the key terrain so coveted by the enemy. Those 6 little inches between your ears. God warns to guard your eyes, guard your ears, defend the key terrain! Go back a couple paragraphs and read again the chain of events leading to fuel. It all starts with what you choose to put into that key terrain. And the war over that terrain has been raging lately! Missiles of information filled with toxic faulty premises are being relentlessly launched at you! If you don’t defend that key terrain, you have already lost the moment before it arrives!


So what do we do? What are the steps needed to defend the key terrain and equip for the moments of battle?

There exists a secret weapon that will assist all of us in battle. Here’s the thing — we can try hiding intention and sincerity from each other. But it’s not possible to use fruit harvested from sin to fuel God’s Kingdom.

This reality allows for discernment to exist.

That’s how devoted & connected ambassadors of God’s Kingdom can avoid potential pitfalls and land mines from infiltrators. But true discernment is only provided, never obtained! We cannot possess God-inspired discernment unless God gives it to us. And God only gives it to those in connection with Him who ask for it. God is relational. He gives to those He knows, according to His will.

To be clear, God’s sovereignty isn’t limited by our fuel. However, in that sovereignty God chose to align His power and intervention with the God-inspired fruits of our harvest. He chose to do it that way because He is a God of relationship desiring a personal relationship with each of us.

The war is already won. We are on a journey with a known destination. But our involvement will impact the experience of the journey. For us, and those around us.

Free will doesn’t impact God’s sovereignty. It’s limited to impacting our experience & our personal relationship with God.

But from each of our individual limited perspectives while here in the temporary, is that not EVERYTHING?


We are in for the battle of our lives. No doubt! We were never promised an easy ride. God warned us that persecution for those who cling to His truth is inevitable. God also warned that He will judge each of us according to the knowledge and responsibility bestowed on us.

We are living in a vastly different world than prior generations. God has allowed His people greater access to knowledge about specific enemies of darkness for a reason. I believe it’s because the spiritual war we are now in will require specific responses. With greater knowledge comes greater responsibility. And part of that responsibility is cost. We need to not only accept that cost, but embrace it!

Sacrifice is built into the human condition because we were created in God’s image. But God will never leave us. We can proceed with the strength, hope and peace of God’s supernatural comfort & power.

We oppose those who do not have access to that level of power!!

Sacrifice alone has no power. But when we sacrifice in obedience to our convictions from God, there is mighty power to advance God’s Kingdom for His glory!

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