CDS Protocol C - The MOST COMMONLY used Protocol with Chlorine Dioxide Solution

3 years ago

If you are new to Chlroine Dioxide, here is a demonstration of how to make and take the most commonly used protocol that you drink. I talk about the CDS-version of this as well as the MMS-version. They are both similar in that they have the chlorine dioxide in the liquids. This protocol is the most basic and common detox protocol that is used with clo2. I recommend it to anyone that is looking into trying this chemical suppliment out. This is the main protocol that I used when recovering from Covid-19. IT WORKS!

Learn more about Chlorine Dioxide Below...

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Free Spreadsheets Link (Downloadable or copy-able):

How to make your own CDS with Sodium Chlorite and HCL:

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My Mewe Group - Chlroine Dioxide Truth:

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