RetroTink 5x System Spotlight: RGB Modded Nintendo 64 Gameplay Test

3 years ago

In this episode, we test out our RGB Modded Nintendo 64 with Insurrection Industries' SCART Cables on a Nintendo 64.

0:00 - Introduction
0:50 - Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
3:13 - Goldeneye 007
5:33 - Cruising USA
7:10 - Mario 64
10:46 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

In just a few short weeks, I have come to really love and appreciate the RetroTink 5X. What it does to improve the quality of just about every video game system I have is nothing short of remarkable. In our review, we absolutely loved it, but we didn't have time to focus on each individual console as much as I would have liked to. To fill in the gaps, we are occasionally going to be releasing videos focusing on just one system. That's what we are doing right now, and we are taking a look at the RetroTink 5X connected to our RGB Modded Nintendo 64 via RGB SCART Cables from Insurrection Industries.

From the box, the N64 does NOT output RGB. As such, the best video quality you can get from a stock N64 is S-Video. If your system has a serial number that begins with NS-1, you can install one of Voultar's N64 RGB Mod kits, shown in this video here:

The N64 has such a great library of games, but they just don't look great on a stock N64 using composite. S-Video helps, but I have found RGB outputs using Insurrection Industries SCART or HD Retrovision Component cables to deliver the best overall image quality. Add the RetroTink 5x into the mix now, and you get the best image quality ever available without needing an HDMI mod, at least in my opinion.

I love the fact that Mike Chi from RetroTink added a specific N64 profile to the 5x, it makes getting a great image foolproof! Once the cables were connected, output set to 1080P and other settings fine tuned, it was time to play. From the word go, I didn't experience any lag, delay, or latency through this setup, even when opting for Retro Fighters Wireless Brawler 64 controllers.

I started my tests with one of my favorite games of all time, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. While some may not like sand since its rough, and it gets everywhere, the details in the ships, enemies, and dust from Tatooine all look better than I have ever seen them. Even though I think the Gamecube version is vastly superior graphically, this is the entry that made me fall in love with the series in the first place.

GoldenEye 007 is one of the best-known titles for the Nintendo 64, so it was an obvious choice to test. Much like on rogue squadron, I found the graphics to be about the best that I have ever seen out of this title on the system. Sure, you still have your blocky textures and whatnot, but 007 looked and played wonderfully.

One series that has been conspicuous by its absence in recent years has been Cruisin' USA, which found its home in the arcade and on the N64. Again, sure the graphics are blocky, but they are sharp, detailed, and the game plays terrifically. I used to spend a ton of time playing Cruisin' USA, cruising world, the entire series, and this is one of those that I really need to get back to. Not only was the game still a ton of fun, it played and looked great too.

If you are going to test out the Nintendo 64, of course you need to test out Mario 64. I have played so much of this game, and I know it inside and out. While the RetroTink 2X did a good job with the N64 in Mario 64 in particular, the 5X takes it to the next level. I'm not a huge scanline fan, but even the scan lines did not look bad on this title.

To wrap things up, I recently purchased a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time specifically for this test from Japan Retro Direct. The details and things like the grass, character's hair, even the text were all vibrant and looked terrific. Short of an HDMI mod, this is about the best the N64 is going to look.

While I will be HDMI modding my Nintendo 64 in the near future with the PixelFX HDMI mod, until then it is good to know that I have an amazing solution here with the RetroTink 5X. As with every other system that I have run through it, the video quality was phenomenal, the controls were responsive, and the overall experience was wonderful. If you are a fan of the Nintendo 64, this is about the best way that you can play it, short of an HDMI mod.

#RetroTink5X #Nintendo64 #Zelda #Mario #StarWars #CrusinUSA

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