AIDS story SCAM and the relation with COVID

3 years ago

AIDS and COVID "coincidences":

Involved in both AIDS and COVID

Nobel Prize Scientists against the official narrative:
Both True in AIDS and COVID

Scientists who spoke against the official narrative were discredited:
Both True in AIDS and COVID

RT-PCR used to keep the narrative and people scared:
Both True in AIDS and COVID

Tests revealed to be more than 99% inaccurate
Both True in AIDS and COVID

Products selected by governments both revealed to be worse than the disease:
Both True in AIDS (AZT) and COVID (Vaccines)

Both pandemics were vaccine oriented:
Both True in AIDS and COVID

Midia not willing to allow the contradictory:
Both True in AIDS and COVID

Initial figures were wrong:
Both True in AIDS and COVID

During the AIDS pandemic, after Dr. Willner started speaking out the following things occurred:

- 1990 Dr. Willner has his medical license suspended.
- 1994 This talk happens (the talk in the above video) and Willner injects himself with the blood of an HIV positive man.
- 1994 Dr. Willner's book Deadly Deception is published.
- 1995 Dr. Willner sadly passes away after having a heart attack.

They are all liars at the top and they rely on your ignorance.

The Ten Commandments of Fraud
~Coincidence is proof of cause and effect.
~Circumstantial evidence is direct evidence.
~One example proves the rule.
~One guess supported by another guess creates a fact.
~Saying it is so, makes it so.
~Don't confuse the issue with facts.
~Proof is unnecessary and should be avoided.
~Lie, lie, lie, and they'll believe it.
~Silence, ignore and suppress the truth.
~Replace reason with dogma, fraud and blindfolded fear.

Not one single reference paper (scientific proof) exists proving that HIV is the cause or even a co-factor of AIDS.
Probably most, if not all, of the causes of AIDS are already known (for over 70 years) and HIV does not qualify as one of them.
HIV was decreed as the cause of AIDS by a politician and a virologist who has been found guilty of "scientific misconduct".
Condoms cannot stop a disease that is caused by starvation and drugs.
As long as the deaths due to starvation are blamed on the "AIDS virus", the responsibility of ineffectual and corrupt governments for the real cause will remain unchallenged, hun­dreds of billions of dollars will be wasted, and ineffectual and deadly treatments will be employed.
The studies on which the release of AZT was based are fraud­ulent.


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