3 years ago


The exact cause of Morgellons disease remains unclear. Some researchers and healthcare professionals classify it as a delusionalTrusted Source of mental illness, stating that the fibers present under the skin come from fabrics and textiles.

Others claim that Borrelia burgdorferi — the bacterium responsible for Lyme disease — causes Morgellons disease.

In a 2012 study trusted Source, researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) examined 115 people with symptoms of Morgellons disease.

The researchers performed clinical evaluations, analyzed skin and blood samples, and reviewed the medical history of each study participant. In doing so, they did not find a common underlying medical condition or infectious agent among the study participants.

According to the researchers, 43% of the participants had fibrous material in at least one skin lesion. Upon further analysis, the researchers concluded that the majority of fiber samples contained cotton. However, they identified bacteria or fungi in 19 people.

None of the study participants tested positive for B. burgdorferi infections.

Morgellons disease is a rare skin condition involving the appearance of black, white, red, or blue fibers underneath or protruding from the skin. People who have Morgellons disease may also develop slow-healing ulcers on their skin.

Other symptoms of Morgellons disease may include:

chronic or severe fatigue
difficulty concentrating
memory problems
muscle and joint pain
formication, which is the sensation of an insect crawling on, stinging, or biting the skin
joint pain


There are no standard treatment guidelines for Morgellons disease. Treatments vary depending on the underlying cause.

Doctors may recommend antibiotic therapy if they believe that a person’s condition resulted from a bacterial infection or tick-borne illness. Topical and oral antibiotics may also help heal open or long-lasting skin lesions.

Doctors who believe that a person’s symptoms result from a mental health condition may prescribe psychiatric medication, such as anti-anxiety or antipsychotic drugs. They may also recommend talk therapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

A doctor may diagnose Morgellons disease if a person has slow-healing skin lesions and skin-crawling sensations. If a doctor finds fiber-like material in the skin lesions, they may send a sample to a laboratory for further analysis.

Morgellons disease is a rare and poorly understood condition that causes chronic skin wounds that can contain black, white, red, or blue fibers.

People who have Morgellons disease report a wide range of symptoms, including crawling sensations in their skin, joint and muscle pain, and memory problems.

The exact cause remains unknown. However, some healthcare professionals and researchers believe Morgellons disease results from a tick-borne bacterial infection, similar to Lyme disease.

Others consider Morgellons disease to be a mental health disorder.
Testing blood and skin samples may reveal signs of a bacterial infection, which might involve the B. burgdorferi bacterium. People can develop secondary Staphylococcus infections as a result of having an open wound.

Doctors may refer someone to a psychiatrist for further evaluation if the person experiences symptoms of depression or anxiety, or if they have a history of mental illness.

Diagnosing Morgellons disease can involve multiple testing procedures. Ultimately, doctors will base their diagnosis on the results of a physical examination and laboratory tests.

It is essential that people work with a trusted healthcare provider, especially if they have a condition as poorly understood as Morgellons disease. People may have better treatment outcomes when they work with a healthcare provider whom they know and trust.

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