You don’t Just Live in a Simulation – But in a Simulation within a Simulation!

3 years ago

We live in a constructed physical universe. We are immature spirits who are on a planet of atonement in order to learn to become mature and civilized spirits. We have been sent here, with a drastically reduced set of senses so we may change our personality and character given the stimuli we have been assigned.

Our normal life is of a spirit. In a land where thought is action. Hence, we are here to learn to control our thoughts – since as we rise in the spirit hierarchy, we shall become powerful spirits. But the spirit world too is an artificial construct, created by God. In it we are immortal, according to our set of permissions, we may roam the galaxies and perform great tasks.

We can see, hear, feel, touch, and smell – the scenery is fantastic and yet familiar. It is set up this way, so we may function at a high level. Still, if we wish we can shed our seemingly physical bodies and explore the data behind it all. Following information as it relates one to the other.

This is one of many videos on different aspects of Spiritism, which I hope will be helpful for people interested in learning about the spirit realm and its relationship to us on earth. Below are links to my blog and books.

My blog is at:

The Spirit Realm – Spiritism has Revealed the Reality of our Existence -

Book covering my experiences with Spiritism: 7 Tenets of Spiritism -

You can learn about Spiritism and how to re-purpose your life in my book on how the spirit realm guides us to live our lives in order to ascend – How to Live – Inner Peace through Spiritism -

Book 1 – Heaven and Below – Book 1 of Spiritism – The Spirit World as Revealed to an Anglican Vicar -

Book 2 – Spirits and the Spirit Universe -

Book 3 – How we are Guided by Spirits -

Explore Your Destiny – Since Your Life’s Path is (mostly) Predetermined – Understand the world you live in and where you are going -

Book covering the topic of Near Death Experiences: The Spirit World Talks to Us -
Book covering occurrences in past lives that affect our present life –
The Problem is the Solution:

The Case for Reincarnation – explains how reincarnation works and your part in determining your own trials on earth:

Spiritism 101 – An introduction to Spiritism:

Spiritism – Everything is Connected:

51 Disclosures from Spiritism – The 3rd Revelation:

My Amazon author page, where you can survey all of my books –

Facebook page to discuss Spiritism, where you can see my live stream every Wednesday night at 4 pm pst, 7 pm est: Spiritism and the Spirit World Around Us -

Download the free Kardec Radio app on the IOS or Android app store to get Spiritist radio 24 hours a day.

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