God Didn't Create This World: The Forbidden Religion

3 years ago

JEHOVAH IS SATAN. "And the LORD said, Thou shalt cause the Gentiles to submit themselves to My People, all shall bow down before thee with their faces toward the ground, and shall lick the dust from thy feet." (Isaiah, LX, 10) Jesus rejected Jehovah in the desert. "The devil showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and said to him," All these things I will give you if, bowing before me, you worship me. "Then Jesus replied," Get away from me, Satan, I will no longer worship other than to the true God "(Mt 4, 5-11)

The Iranian prophet Mani used to ask himself: "Is it God who has created the evils of disease, death and war? Is he the one who lets children die and who mistreats the innocent?" For Marcion of Sinope, there is a transcendental God and the source of Light and goodness, the Heavenly Father, with respect to Jehovah, the god of the Old Testament, a bloodthirsty and cruel being. For this he refers to the atrocities, massacres and genocides ordered by the Demiurge to his chosen people.
Plato, Jesus, Buddha, and Zoroaster came to the same conclusion. There is a lesser god, the demiurge, who reigns over the material universe and who mistakenly believes to be God, without being one. They conceive the material universe as the source of all suffering, contrary to the spiritual universe or Kingdom of Light. Buddhists, Jains, and Hindus have a similar belief; Brahma is a god of confusion who leads people away from the true Dharma (Gnosis).
Perhaps the difference is that Buddhism does not see the Demiurge as a malicious and cruel entity, but simply as confused, while Gnosticism regards him as Satan, a force of evil and cruelty. This may be the reason why the Buddhist doctrine was never so persecuted by the Church as if the GNOSTIC Christians, CATHAROS and MANICECHES were, who exposed the excessive greed of the Catholic Church, and assured that it was a servant of the Devil Jehovah Satan.
The Demiurge, the creator of the material world, has been associated with Moloch, Saturn and Cronus and Jehovah, being worshiped with living child sacrifices. There are countless PROVEN cases of Jews who have used Greek and Christian children in ritual crimes (purim).
This world is just an imperfect copy of the true world. Heraclitus defined the Demiurge as Logos, the illusion that everything flows and changes. (The shadows in the allegory of Platon's cave). Parmenides defined Nous as that eternal and immutable. Spinoza differentiates both realities as natura naturans, and natura naturata. In Taoism, this distinction is comparable to Wuji and Taiji. The Orphic mysteries preached that the human spirit comes from another world, but is exiled in this world, chained to the eternal return.
Buddha affirmed that the true self comes from Nirvana (the Nous), but ends up chaining itself to Samsara (the Logos), the illusion of Mara, the Great Architect. Salvation consists in returning to the source, the Nous. Attachments, desires, and sensory pleasure keep us in this world. At first they are like nectar, but they soon become poison for the soul, subjecting it to passion and ignorance, which bind it to the law of Karma, perpetuating the prevalence in this world through the cycle of reincarnations.
Today, Gnostic Christianity has been resurrected, by the discoveries at Nag Hammadi in 1945. For early Christianity, especially the Gospel of Thomas, the path to salvation does not consist in the adherence of the Church, but rather in revealing the spark of God that resides in each one of us. Buddha affirms: “don't worry about God. If you are silent and aware, you yourself are God, the inner divinity is revealed to you. " Nietzsche's concept of SUPERHUMAN refers to self-knowledge for the creation of a Superior or Enlightened Man.
The Grail legends are a metaphor for this enlightenment process. Parsifal, the pure madman, goes out to look for the General. Naturally, he never finds him looking for him in the world through time (Cronos). Years thus go by in vain searching until he realizes this simple truth. Then one day, completely naked (free of all attachment and dogma), he appears before an enchanted castle and, once inside, the General appears to him. That is, he searches inside (Kairos). His eyes are open. Parsifal notices that the throne is vacant (the spirit can be recovered), decides to claim it (undergoes the initiation tests) and becomes king (spiritually transmutes).
Salvation consists of detachment from the demiurgic material world and the elevation of the spirit to the Platonic World of Ideas, Nirvana or Valhalla, that is, to the Spiritual or Light World. According to Plato: "The only way to escape is by reaching Gnosis, otherwise you will continue to change from body to body until you do. Just as fire turns wood into ashes, the fire of dharma reduces all attachments to matter to ashes, enlightening the spirit and achieving salvation.

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