Golden Retriever Mom Just Wants To Nap, Puppies Have Other Plans

5 years ago

Being a mother is one of the best things in life. Being a mother is more than just giving birth; it's about caring, loving and taking care of a person whom you gave life to and also being their protector. It's a relationship that is unmatched and unbeatable in any kind or other relationship. It's a love that gets continuously, a love that always wants more and better.

It's getting scared that you can't stop the pain, inequity, heartbreak and at times even sadness. It's smiling at jokes that aren't also funny, but the way they say it makes it's amusing. It's listening to stories that go on and on without a point. Being a mother is everything!

But, also even though there are a lot of precious things about being a mother, there is a little dark side in the motherhood. First of all, forget about time alone and doing something for yourself, you will do that when they grow up. You have to be there for them all the time, and sometimes that can be a little bit exhausting.

This mama knows what we are talking about. She has eight babies and zero time for a nap. Maya the mother of eight puppies is trying to nap, but the puppies have other plan. Any mother can relate! Wow, imagine taking care of eight babies at the same time! Mama Maya is probably exhausted and needs a nap, but her eight kids don't think the same. No sleeping for you today, Maya!

Maya will be a great mom, and she will raise eight amazing kids; we are pretty sure about that. After all, they are called Golden for a reason! They are intelligent, loving and well suited to be guiding dogs. Retrievers are patient and the most amazing dogs ever. Goldens are active, dependable, and anxious-to-please family pooches. Simply said, they are the best!

Their personality makes them great, carrying, loving and amazing parents to be, and that means their kids will be amazing dogs too. Maya is an amazing and goofy dog. What we know about her is that she loves to have fun especially playing with toys or playing in the children's clubhouse. She is such an adorable dog, and we love watching videos of her.

Do you own a Golden Retriever? Tell us something about them in our comment section, let’s spread the love for these precious golden dogs!

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