Who are the Gemmen? | Galactic & Terran connections and information

21 days ago

👉Read the blog post: https://www.abigaellerichard.com/post/who-are-the-gemmen-galactic-terran-connections-and-information
💫Join the galactic groups by contacting Disco Tina: https://t.me/Discotina1111
💙Join my Telegram channel: https://t.me/+b9C5G6kohfY3YWMx
💫More information on the Gemmen in Elena Danaan's book "The Seeders. Return of the Gods": https://www.elenadanaan.org/the-seeders-return-of-the-gods
💫Discover Mélanie Charest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zCfhCf1Ezw

In this relatively short video on the "Galactic & Terran connections and information" series, which consist of informative capsules, I present the "Gemmen", who is a star nation from the Centaurus A Galaxy and is part of the 24 seeder races. Those beautiful high frequency beings (9th density) consist of the soul matrix people of our dear Mélanie Charest.

In this video I humbly share information about their provenance, appearance, social and spiritual structure, based on the information provided by Elena Danaan in her book: "The Seeders. Return of the Gods" at pages 122 & 123: https://www.elenadanaan.org/the-seeders-return-of-the-gods

Why this series of informative capsules?

In these series of informative capsules, I wished to share the very rich and fascinating information offered by direct physical contactees like Alex Collier and Elena Danaan, in both their videos, books and webinars. This information can be of help to Terrans in order to discover and familiarize themselves with these star nations and inner-Earth peoples. Furthermore, it gives the opportunity to starseed envoys to recover some of their memories about who they are as souls and discover where that souls come from.

Who is Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard?

As a starseed soul, intuitive artist, iconographer, transmitter, collage artist and travel photographer, my soul purpose is to share my higher self connection and spiritual intuitive guidance in the form of a reading or Creative Intuitive Transmission with meaning (iconography), high vibration words and artwork as an original art collage of Japanese art style washi chiyogami paper (normally used for origami). It also takes the form of color and black and white photo digital files of travel, nature, landscape, animal, urban, architecture and b&w photography. Both are for sale as wall art in my art shop and their creative process and inspiration is discussed in blog posts of my website. They are also shared as videography on “The grounded starseed” Youtube channel, to offer you high frequency art.

As starseeds, and fractals of Source having a physical experience, it is a challenge to find balance between our connection to our soul, stars, and life on Terra. Like the shamanic tree, rooted on Terra, with its branches connected to stars and Source, being grounded is essential to be connected to our higher self guidance (inner guidance) and live in balance.

I hope that this channel touches open-minded benevolent souls engaged in spiritual evolution and creativity, to elevate consciousness and raise our frequencies for a 5D Terra (Earth).

Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard
#gemmenstarnation #starseedsawaken #extraterrestrial

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