Seinfeld's commencement speech takes big shots at the world the Rothschild Zio Cabal has created!

28 days ago

I do not support Rothschild Zionist Israel, which anyone who follows my channel, is fully aware of. The media has completely ignored the content of his speech, which takes shots at woke culture, bro culture, cancel culture, AI, brainwashing, & our rigged reality. Seinfeld is 70 years old, & he says some things in this speech that will undoubtedly land him in hot water. He also dropped many truth bombs in his latest film, as well. What the news tells us about Zionist Israel & Palestine is all lies. Hamas was created & funded by Zionist Israel, & still is. How much is scripted, is hard to tell.The only way to control the opposition, is to create it!

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