S.L. Kanthan & Dr. Greg Simons on The Pelle Neroth Taylor Show - 14 May 2024

25 days ago

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: S.L. Kanthan is a columnist, podcaster, blogger, and prolific tweeter. You can find his work at substack.slkanthan.com and follow him on Twitter at @slkanthan2030. His columns have been featured on platforms such as Sputnik, Global Times, and Politik Spezial.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Greg Simons is an Associate Professor based at the Uppsala Centre of Russian Studies, Uppsala University in Sweden. His research is focused on topics such as Russian mass media; terrorism; public diplomacy; the relationship between politics, information and armed conflict; and crisis management. Greg Simons will discuss propaganda, geostrategy and the war in Ukraine.

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