27 days ago

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I just confirmed with multiple active government sources that they also got the alert from the DoD alert system, via Alexandria Phone number, 703 454 0563, calling and warning for everyone to get a flashlight, and to expect potential power outages from a solar flare.
I am not making this shit up. DoD alert system is warning all employees about the event.
Only thing I can’t figure out, is why the hell I got the call, because I do not work for the Department of Defense.
Source: https://www.instagram.com/281at2am/reel/C6k4PNogWYv/
Thumbnail from the Think🪖Tank
Comments from instagram:
They're using those five G towers to manipulate the weather ! WHY,and how is the government letting them do this !??????
Radar is a tool used to create and guide storms, sadly.
It’s when the NEXRAD radars are switched into clear air mode ya ding dong. You obviously never observe radar readouts on a regular basis. When there’s no precipitation the radars switch into Clear Air mode which boosts the radars intensity and lowers the beam which picks up all the ground clutter, buildings trees mountains. In clear air mode the radars can pick up dust and even insect movement.
Lol! Paranoia it called. That is a moisture detection radar and it's call humidity. Tract humidity with this and you will see. Smh! Some ppl
Those are radiation plumes coming off of all the cell towers. That's your 5G at work.
Think about every up date 1g 2g 3g and on if you look at temperatures from the start every upgrade increases weather issues. Test the theory and shut it all down for a week and see what happens.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/earth-and-planetary-sciences/nexrad. These are NEXRaD systems. Which is tla dopolar sound pulse of 5100mhz freq "5g bandwithe"..
Source: "CANST - Children Are NOT Sex Toys / GMNo!"
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