No Age Ontology - Different degrees of self-grasping at independent identities

1 month ago

The different degrees of self-grasping at independent identities create the variety of sentient beings which are visible or invisible to the human perception. Depending on the different main causes and conditions related to the aspect of time and the Law of Cause and effect, and according to the Law of Vibration and Gender some beings may seem to manifest as possessing a ‘strong ego’ and some a ‘weaker ego’. However, both ‘strong and weak ego’s, even though they may seem to play a different part in the play of existence, are both conditioned by the grasping at self-identities. Moreover, some beings might more tightly hold on to their illusory self-identity than others, resulting in a wide variety of complexity of forms and appearances within time and space.

For more detailed information about No Age Ontology and the the Laws of Reality you can refer to my books here:

No Age Ontology ►►►

The Seven Laws of Reality and Being ►►►

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