Who is Donald Trump – 10 Reasons That May Change Your View – “I’m the Chosen One”

1 month ago

According to Marina Abramovic – “Trump is a Magician of the HIGHEST Order.”

10 Reasons plus 1 that could change your views on Donald J. Trump:

1. Trump has pictures of the Pagan God Apollo in his Penthouse – that is totally, completely 100% Anti-Jesus. First Commandment – “Thou shall have no other Gods before me.”

Apollo = Sun God

Names of pagan Gods are the Green Man, the Sun God – the eldest of gods, goes by names as Odin, Jupiter, Zeus, Baal.

Who says “I’m the Chosen One” – seriously, if Trump was the chosen one, is that the humble thing to to do – brag about it?

How many true masters brag?

You will see below who else says “Trump was chosen by God.” We have to pay attention who is saying these things. If they are on mainstream TV, chances are over 95% that they are part of the Cabal.

For more information on Pagan Gods → How Witchcraft is used by Satan -- https://rumble.com/v4jl85u-how-witchcraft-is-used-by-satan.html & ***Baal Worship in the Music Industry & Hollywood – Origins of Baal -- https://rumble.com/v4mdu2c-baal-worship-in-the-music-industry-and-hollywood-origins-of-baal.html

2. Trump says he has never asked God for Forgiveness. But yet Trump claims he is a Presbyterian. Any true Pastor who saw Trump’s penthouse would kick hiss a$$ out of the church immediately.

3. Trump is a Freemason – with all his hand gestures and his obvious Freemason handshakes we have seen – Sean Hannity, his buddy Newt, and all his other overseas buddies and even the leaders of other countries, he flat out has been caught doing the handshake. Why don’t’ people ask about this stuff.

What is so bad about the Freemasons? Most of them are good people just joined for business purposes and to form better business relations, but the high level masons are totally Anti-christ as Lucifer is their light, not Jesus Christ.

I have uploaded several good videos explaining how Freemasonry works, will include below at the very bottom.

4. Trump’s Pastor – Dr. Norman Vincent Peale -- 33rd Degree Freemason – which means he secretly is Anti-Christ and is one of the thousands of plants to be a pastor, one of the main plans of the Communist New World Order Agenda going back to the 50’s at least, when they began infiltrating churches, misguiding, misleading and misteaching Christians.

Isn’t it funny that Trump would find this piece of of trash to be his pastor?

According to this video, Trump was mentored by 33rd Freemason Norman Vincent Peal and brought into the Freemasons, and "converted" to a fake Jew in 2017. → Donald Trump - Converted to Illuminati Judaism in 2017 -- https://rumble.com/v38zl7f-donald-trump-converted-to-illuminati-judaism-in-2017.html

5. Trump had a FAKE Presidential Seal behind him. This was the ultimate Red Flag saying that something was amiss because it closely resembled the Rothschild Emblem. It is like giving his Rothschild buddies a high five.

It represents the Freemasons.

Freemasonry -- [priests] after the Order of Melchizedek . . .were the immortals to whom the term ’phoenix’ was applied and their symbol was the mysterious two-headed bird now called an eagle, a familiar and little understood Masonic emblem." *See Source #4 below.

The Presidential Seal was flat out saying that America is no longer a Christian Nation. We are entering a new era, a new world order.

Two Eagles with Heads pointed in opposite directions, representing the Duality Pagan God Beliefs in which there is in no good nor bad but a Balance. There are opposing forces that are necessary to remain balance. It is like the checkered floors you find in mason lodges, representing the light and dark forces.

The Two Eagles also represent the Phoenix Rising from the Ashes - after they cause their chaos and destroy America, they will emerge stronger with a New World of Order.
It is Anti-American and this coming from a man who is a master at the art of lying as he tells the people how much he loves America. He may love his own, greedy, selfish ideal of what he believes America will be, but it is not for the people. The people want their sovereignty and inalienable rights.

America is dividing.

The golf clubs are the distraction to laugh it all off. This guy knows what he is doing.

See this video which explains Duality → Trump – Is Trump the Serpent Seed from the Royal Bloodline -- https://rumble.com/v4my21n-trump-is-trump-the-serpent-seed-from-the-royal-bloodline.html

6. Marina Abromovic – says that Trump is the GREATEST thing that has ever happened to us. “He is the Magician of the Highest Order.” He is there to create chaos for us so we can find new order.

This is coming from the psychotic Adrenochrome drinking, Satanic Witch. (She claims she is not Satanic, but a Spirit Cooking Witch is not Christian.) When she says Trump is the Magician of the HIGHEST Order, that is more than a red flag, that is time to become concerned. She knows all about the Black Magics and the Dark Arts.

Highest Order – that is scary. We know they have a hierarchy or an order and we know there are a lot of them, for a women like this, who has all their respect and reverence to say Trump is of highest order, raises a big red flag.


7. Trump says: “I was an INSIDER, as much as anybody else. I knew what it’s like and I STILL know what it’s like to be an insider.”

So Trump was an insider to this cabal, this cartel that runs the world and now he is openly telling them that he is defecting? LOL. Wake Up!!!

This is the most powerful mafia in the world.

Then he is shaking hands with them and praising them. This is what you call DOUBLE SPEAK folks.

“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, right.” Bullsh*t!

Name ONE friend Trump has that is not tied to the Cabal. Trump IS the Cabal.

Trump still “knows” what it is like because he STILL is in the Club. 100%.

Plain and Simple. The guy is incredibly full of sh*t. He is the Master of Deception.

But he doesn’t hide it. He has mastered the art of charming, which is a black magic art to deceive the masses.

He does it right out in front of everyone.

He had me fooled back 2016. I never vote, but I voted for this man. I believed in this man. He deceived me and I do not enjoy being lied to. That is why I am so pissed off and try to wake others up that this man is the FRAUD of all FRAUDS.

He was the CHOSEN ONE, not by the Christian God, but by his Club of Pagan Worshiping Insiders.

We are the Swamp. The only swamp this guy is draining is us.

Trump says: “Because I used to be part of the Club, I’m the only one that can Fix it.” LOL. OMG. Please.

His buddies were probably in tears from laughter when he says this and the people soak up his verbal diarrhea.

What happens to a Mafia Defector – especially one who openly defects? They disappear.

Has Trump disappeared? NOPE.

They are going to put him back in. If they didn’t want him, he wouldn’t get the time of day. Don’t believe for one second all his lawsuits are not part of the show. This is needed to keep the illusion strong. It is a circus and we are clowns for watching it and believing it.

Sometimes we just have to look at his connections: He is constantly doing business with everybody but Christians.

His Chabad Connections:

Starting in 1999, Putin enlisted two of his closest confidants, the oligarchs Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich, who would go on to become Chabad’s biggest patrons worldwide, to create the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia under the leadership of Chabad rabbi Berel Lazar, who would come to be known as “Putin’s rabbi.”

A few years later, Trump would seek out Russian projects and capital by joining forces with a partnership called Bayrock-Sapir, led by Soviet emigres Tevfik Arif, Felix Sater and Tamir Sapir—who maintain close ties to Chabad. The company’s ventures would lead to multiple lawsuits alleging fraud and a criminal investigation of a condo project in Manhattan.

Meanwhile, the links between Trump and Chabad kept piling up. In 2007, Trump hosted the wedding of Sapir’s daughter and Leviev’s right-hand man at Mar-a-Lago, his Palm Beach resort. A few months after the ceremony, Leviev met Trump to discuss potential deals in Moscow and then hosted a bris for the new couple’s first son at the holiest site in Chabad Judaism. Trump attended the bris along with Kushner, who would go on to buy a $300 million building from Leviev and marry Ivanka Trump, who would form a close relationship with Abramovich’s wife, Dasha Zhukova. Zhukova would host the power couple in Russia in 2014 and reportedly attend Trump’s inauguration as their guest.

So there could have been something to that Trump – Russian thing.

Either way, you can tell EVERYTHING about a person by who their friends are. Trump has friends in LOW places all around the Globe.

He only cares about Business Dealing and $$$, just as his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. The Kushner family has their story, look that one up on Netflix, they are scumbag slum lords who take from the poor.

Both the Kushner’s and Trump’s have NO Relationship with the common folk of America. They are all talk and have no clue what it is like.

*Here is what Trump’s beloved Son-in-Law and his Senior Foreign Advisor said about Gaza being a great investment opportunity: Trump – Senior Foreign Advisor – Jared Kushner – “Gaza Could be a Valuable Waterfront Property” -- https://rumble.com/v4myf7l-trump-senior-foreign-advisor-jared-kushner-gaza-could-be-a-valuable-waterfr.html

What a class act that guy is.

Funny thing is, it is the common folk who are their supporters which they have to lie their a$$es off to keep them under the Druid Spells.

8. Pedophile – Satanic – Rapist – FAKE Planted “Christian” Pastor – Franklin Graham says that Trump was put in the White House by God.

Franklin Graham is one of the Elites Top SIX Religious Fake “Christian” Plants in the World – he has already gained what they will label in the future “Sovereign” status in the New Digital Financial System.

Just to note: Alex Jones, Ben Fulford, Joe Rogan and Russell Brand are “Alternative Media Plants” who have already achieved “Sovereign Status.” Can watch this video here that exposes those we may be following → ***Central Bank Digital Currency - (CBDC) – is Code for (CSRQ) – Common Sovereign Restricted Quarantine -- https://rumble.com/v4439x0-central-bank-digital-currency-cbdc-is-code-for-csrq-common-sovereign-restri.html

9. Trump goes to Israel in 2012 to meet with Heads of State – Mossad – he tells people to vote for Benjamin Netanyahu – a man who HATES Jesus Christ with a passion.

In my book Jesus Christ represents my beliefs in what is GOOD. So I would want people who shared my beliefs. Not people who opposed them.

If you oppose Jesus Christ, you are opposing what is Good. I don’t care if you don’t believe Jesus is God, but I don’t think anyone can argue that Jesus was not good and did not care for the people.

That’s how I see it anyway.

10. Trump & the Vaccines -- This is why I feel so deceived by Trump. He KNEW what he was doing and his vaccines were not sugar and water or hydrocortisone, what would be a Nuremberg Code violation as it would be experimental as an intravenous injection.

Trump said: “Take the Vaccines, I did it” “I guess in a way, I’m the Father of Vaccines” → ***EXPOSING TRUMP: “The First Jewish President of the United States” & “Father of the Vaccines” -- https://rumble.com/v4mkdff-exposing-trump-the-first-jewish-president-of-the-united-states-and-father-o.html

Trump signed some Executive Orders that flat out PROVED – 100% that not only is he in da Club, but he is very high up in the Club → ***TRUMP - EXECUTIVE ORDER 13887 – The Executive Order that Grants Genocide on Americans -- https://rumble.com/v4mmaoe-trump-executive-order-13887-the-executive-order-that-grants-genocide-on-ame.html

***TRUMP – Signed National Emergency Declaration – All Power and Dictatorship to F.E.M.A. - 3/13/2020 -- https://rumble.com/v4l8pk8-trump-signed-national-emergency-declaration-all-power-and-dictatorship-to-f.html

***Trump – Forced FDA to Greenlight Emergency Use Authoization of the Covid Vaccines -- https://rumble.com/v4lrvje-trump-forced-fda-to-greenlight-emergency-use-authoization-of-the-covid-vacc.html

11. - An extra one – 5G – The 5G Rollout began in the United States in late 2019, about the exact same time the “plandemic” began. How did Trump sell this? He said we had to beat the “Chinese to rollout 5G.” That made it sound like we were against China (which is just b.s. scam, our leaders are sold out to China for the NWO) – but it sounded good to the people that we were in “competition” and going ahead. All in the meantime, Trump and his neighbor Bill Gates did not allow 5 G around them. See this video -- Trump and Bill Gates Do Not allow 5G Near Their Homes -- https://rumble.com/v45izoi-trump-and-bill-gates-do-not-allow-5g-near-their-homes.html
Anders Brunstad -- connects the dots by analyzing excess death data and radiation and proves that 5G Radiation from the towers and cell phones are interacting with Graphene Oxide and directly linked with the vaccine and vaccine deaths. See this video here →
***Jab Injuries & Deaths Directly Linked to 5G – Vaxxed Emitting Harmful Radio Frequencies to Unvaxxed -- https://rumble.com/v4n0stn-jab-injuries-and-deaths-directly-linked-to-5g-vaxxed-emitting-harmful-radio.html

This ALL happened on Trump’s watch. If you watch the above video you will see how 5G and the injections are to murder and enslave humanity.

If anyone still believes that Trump was for the people – please do comment below.
If you only agree with one of the ten, that should be ALL you need to know.
Elections should not be about choosing a LESSER EVIL. We shouldn’t have to choose evil at all.
We shouldn’t be forced to choose from the Global Elite Cabal’s Selection. That’s not a true election.
When trump was talking about treating Covid with Light – he was referring to the Light the nanobots – quantum dots emit inside your body, emitting radio frequencies from inside your body. These were in the healthy jabs. See this video on how the nanobots emit light → ***What Else are they Hiding in the Vaccines -- https://rumble.com/v4mtji6-what-else-are-they-hiding-in-the-vaccines.html
The guy is an Artist. He is a deception artist.
He is the Picasso of Lying!

*Note: Freemason Videos will be on the very bottom. If you are not familiar freemasonry, choose at least 3 to study and go over.

Thanks for Watching!



1. The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin
Where Trump's real estate world meets a top religious ally of the Kremlin. -- https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/04/the-happy-go-lucky-jewish-group-that-connects-trump-and-putin-215007/

2. The Donald: the Serpent Seed from the Royal Bloodline/Tribe of Dan by Jarle Johansen -- https://www.riksavisen.no/the-donald-the-serpent-seed-from-the-royal-bloodlinetribe-of-dan/

3. TheAngelofTruth -- https://odysee.com/@TheAngelofTruth:b/whoisdonaldtrump:5

4. The Lost Tribe of Dan: The Early Jewish and Christian View of the Identity of the Antichrist - by Janet Moser -- https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_tribeofdan.htm#I.%20CONSIDER%20THE%20PROPHECIES


TRUE LEAF MARKET → Spring is here! Time to get your seeds and supplies.

True Leaf Market – provides the best seed selection I have found, non-GMO and I personally grow tomatoes, microgreens, cucumbers, peppers, spinach arugula, cilantro, parsley and will try a few different varieties this spring as they have plenty, buy bulk or buy small, their prices are good → https://rb.gy/14d5vg



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Follow me on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/WakeUpWorld

Thank You!!

END. 4/6/2024 – 9:00 PM

Freemason Videos:

***The Secret Religion that Runs the World – Ex-Freemason – X-Factor Winner Altiyan Childs – MUST SEE


***Freemasonry is an Anti-Christ Religion – Explained by Brother Michael Dimond

***Bill Schnoebelen – Former Satanic Voodoo High Priest Exposes the Illuminati – Masonry is a Religion

***Freemasonry – Witchcraft Rituals Exposed & Explained Complete - John Ankerberg Show (1986)

***Bill Cooper – William Morgan – 32nd Degree Mason – The True God of Freemasonry


Exposing & Unmasking Freemasonry – Removing the Curse on Future Generations – Selwyn Stevens


Who are the Freemasons – Where are they from – What’s the difference between a Mason vs Freemason??

Hawaii – How the Freemasons took over Hawaii in 1851 – The Secret Treaty with the Post Office


***KAY GRIGGS - Illuminati Kay Griggs tells ALL - Military is Run by Homosexual Deviants - *Hidden GEM – https://rumble.com/v2arw8a-kay-griggs-illuminati-kay-griggs-tells-all-military-is-run-by-homosexual-de.html

END. 4/6/2024 – 9:00 PM

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