Researchers DNA Genetically Engineered SARS and HIV

2 months ago

Dr Francis Boyle talks about research done by the Australian Animal Health Laboratory and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Where they DNA Genetically Engineered SARS and HIV. As some kind of turbocharged biological weapon, consisting of SARS and HIV. Dr Francis Boyle believes we have never seen, at least released in public, a biological weapon - so dangerous - apart from anthrax - that also was airborne.

Angiotensin-converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2)

[Professor Francis Boyle of the University of Indiana - drafted the Biological Weapons Act of 1989. He considers 2019-nCoV / Covid-19, as an ‘Offensive Biological Weapon’ that no - legitimate - scientific or medical reason, has for the use of gain-of-function (GOF) technology.]

English transcript: Dr Francis Boyle: The final piece of evidence, is an archive of virology, 2010 - and this is research done with the Australian Animal Health Laboratory, and again the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Where they DNA Genetically Engineered SARS and HIV. As a sort of a turbocharged Biological Warfare Weapon, that would consist with SARS, which is already a Weaponized Coronavirus - gain-of-function - of properties and HIV - and it as you know, those Indian scientists only did an analysis of the coronavirus, and it was published online. I read it, and HIV was clearly in there, AIDS, that gives AIDS, I saw the pictures...

So that I think, is what are we are dealing with here. We've never seen, at least released in the public, a Biological Warfare Agent this dangerous except the Anthrax that was in October 2001, after the 9/11, 2001 terrorist attack, that was super weapons grade anthrax 100g of spore. It too traveled in the air and it seems to be based on nanotechnology.

We haven't seen, at the time... I publicly stated it came out of the US Biological Warfare Weapons Program and probably Fort Detrick, which was later confirmed. I said that about the first week in November, I was even on the BBC, saying that - and then an order was given to silence me. I was blackballed of all mainstream news media in the United States, Britain, Europa, you name it… so despite the fact that my viewpoints are all over the world, no mainstream media will touch me. So the Anthrax was of course extremely dangerous, but not as infectious - as what we seen here. So in a nutshell, that’s where I see it as of today.


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