Leaked WEF Young Global Leaders video exposes the cult-like indoctrination

2 months ago

WEF training session video exposes the cult-like indoctrination that new recruits go through before being placed into key positions of political, corporate and media power around the globe.

(Source: Wide Awake Media)

Note: WEF recruiters source young leaders from all over the world but they must be 'smart' and comply with political correctness at all times. Many young Australians have been roped into this cult (Hitler Youth part 2) and allegedly include sexual abuse survivor Grace Tame and singer Jessica Mauboy.

Former PM Scott Morrison, also an accused pedophile, and state premiers, faithfully served the WEF by agreeing to the experimental COVID mRNA bio-jab roll out that has led to unprecedented deaths, injuries and disabilities. All Australian politicians are treasonous traitors who serve the WEF criminals.


Kim: All Governments are run by operatives – you could actually say the government is the operative. Those operatives typically report to deep state actors and that’s where the problems come in. In places like Davos, there is no exception here.

About 3-4 weeks before Davos (WEF) starts, the operatives start arriving – these are your fixers, freelancers and operatives. They make all the deals. By the time you start seeing people getting on the stage, what you are really looking at is the end result of about 3 – 4 weeks of work.

Separately, that group of people communicates for months prior to an event like this and the receive orders down the line of what’s going to happen and what’s going to be promoted at the Davos meeting.

This year’s meeting was about rebuild trust – I don’t think anybody on the planet trusts the WEF. In the same sentence, they came out with the fact that we are going to encounter a Disease X situation and there would be a lot of money going out to pay for all of this. They talked about the same things they talked about 3 – 4 years ago.

Tom (former fixer): 3 weeks previous to any big meetings worldwide, that’s my world. As a fixer I’m not happy with some of the things I did in the past but it happened and now I am able to explain to you in detail, how that happens.

This year was different. The operatives and freelancers are all waking up to the fact that things haven’t worked out the way they had planned when they set up the narrative in advance. this year was very special at Davos because the fixers, operatives and freelancers all went there with the directive of setting everything up for Disease X and payments.

The only reason why elitists show up a Davos is to get paid, to find out what the narrative is going to be and to get their egos stroked so they can continue the narrative.

A lot of the operatives understand that everything is changing, so they did their thing 3 weeks out, and laughed. But the people who showed themselves at Davos were targeted because they are the ones that now want to implement Disease X. They are going along with the program and now we have a face to the people who are willing to murder everybody on the planet.

That’s a good thing. Now we have a face and a name to individuals who are compliant and want to go along with the program and not change. That’s a big deal.

Kim: And a lot of people did not make it out of there alive. REDs – Retired Extremely Dangerous People are retired operatives – people that go 'bump in the night' - are fed up too. They are tired of going round and round in circles – they are constantly told to do work, they get nothing in return, they don’t take kindly to not getting paid.

They are getting a lot of ridiculous contracts being thrown out there but they’re not taking any of them. Not all of them are ‘this person needs to go away’. It can be arranging arms for a war…they have been given a lot of misinformation – that type of thing. They got fed up and when they saw someone taking action, they joined in...

Bush and Trump are in the same group of people as the Clintons – there’s videos of him all over the place supporting the Clintons.

Tom: You are absolutely right. Coming from that world, I can tell you that just like all the corporations, all the elitist families are interlinked, bred into, utilised, because now they have something on everybody. It’s all interlinked.

Trump’s family lineage, the Bush’s family lineage, Rothschilds and all of them are interlinked in some way. It’s sad, because we were never told any of this. In essence, we have to change everything. We have to scrap it all and start again because there is nobody out there that you can trust. Nobody. They just want to continue with the narrative.

Kim: The only difference between Trump and Bush is that Bush was a little better of a liar to get people to work. Trump was so arrogant that he put his face on a coin and talked about federal reserve bank cards and Trump this and Trump that, saying they would be cashable in the future. Keep going operatives, keep going average, every day folk that bought into it and bought those cards and Trump Bucks.

Bush, as one of the founders of the CIA, knows how to tell a good lie and he taught everyone else how to do it. 1% truth 99% baloney.

Enjoy your day.

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