Weaponized Weather, Climate Control began with the Industrial Revolution 1760-1840!

2 months ago

The Industrial Revolution was a period between the mid-1700s to the mid-1800s, that was marked by rapid industrialization, combined with massive social, and economic changes. At some point during this time period, the concept of complete mental, spiritual, and physical enslavement of mankind, was spawned by one Mayer Amschel Rothschild, from Frankfurt, Germany.

I believe this was the beginning of the dark age, or the Kali Yuga cycle, which is our current reality.

The Industrial Revolution is typically most closely associated with European countries, but it also had a profound affect within the United States, Canada, and the rest of the realm.

Weaponized weather is a by-product of the Industrial Revolution.

Lately, I have really been delving deep into our manufactured weather and climate, and now, I finally have the full picture, and completely understand the genesis of weaponized weather, climate control, and their purpose, and origin.

I started looking into the etymology for some of the weather terminology, which helped to give me an accurate timeline.

Next, I looked into when the 4 basic types of clouds were named, which was 1803, and that led me further down the truth tunnel.

One thing led to another, and voila, I end up in the Industrial Revolution, which was a “EUREKA” moment for me, because after many years looking into Weaponized Weather, and speaking about it, but never truly seeing the big picture, it finally crystalized.

I just needed to dig deeper, I guess, but as a generalist researcher, I was always looking into many other things, at once. Every piece of the puzzle just fell into place, in the last few days.

The four types of clouds we are taught in the indoctrination camps; cirrus, nimbus, stratus, cumulus, and different variations thereof, were named by an English chemist, and weaponized weather experimenter, or meteorologist, in 1803, named Luke Howard.

By the way, the term meteorologist has nothing to do with weather…it means Astronomer, or one who looks at celestial bodies.

Climate actually means "horizon of the earth's surface”.

The term Hurricane was invented circa 1847. The term Tornado, as in (destructive rotary funnel cloud), was coined in 1849.

Learning these things, I started to establish a timeline for my investigation. In my gut, I always knew weather experimentation had to have begun much earlier than the when the first US rain making patent was issued in 1891.

The Industrial Revolution was defined by smoke stacks, blasting steam, chemicals, and coal carbon, among other things, up into the air, in volumous quantities, and being that we live in a self-regulating, self-healing, contained system, all of this smoke and fog, were creating precipitation, and blocking of the sun, among other things.

Put 2 and 2 together, when the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and their friends got wind of this, it became, without question, the biggest scientific project in the history of Mankind.

What do you think they were discussing at all the world’s fairs, which began in 1791? It was weaponized weather, vaccines, the chemicalization of Mankind, controlling the food supply, and forced indoctrination camps, among other things. They were recruiting the best scientists to experiment with creating weather and climate.

By 1899 they could already create powerful hurricanes that could obliterate towns and villages, and kill a lot of people. The Tornado was perfected by the mid 1970’s.

France, Germany, & England were all big contributors.

Through my studies, I have also come across a very important book called The Handbook of Climatology, first published in 1883, written by Julius Von Hamm, from Germany. This is a 400-page book, which is essentially just pages and pages of scientific data they had been collecting up to that point, on Weaponized Weather experimentation. The data is from many different countries including Russia and India. It’s truth in plain sight, as always.

As you can see, Weaponized Weather experimentation on a grand, world wide scale, has been going on for well over 225 years. Now you can see how it is completely believable, when I say they have the infrastructure in place, that has the entire world on a Weaponized Weather grid system, operated via computer software.

What a weapon!

It sounds like something right out of comic book! Who would believe that? Lol

Oh, no, it’s Climate Change, and by the way, that stupid phrase wasn’t invented until 1983.

One last thing for today, think of the implications world-wide Weaponized Weather control, could have on the food supply.

You dam up all the water that once flowed through the most sophisticated farming irrigation channels, tunnels, and canals, and then all of a sudden, the world’s farmers are completely dependent on Rain Making technology.

Before the Industrial Revolution, it was sunny with blue skies every single day, just the way our creator designed it to be.

There will be much more to follow on this subject…. I’m just getting started, and I know there are so many things I have left out or forgot to include in this video.

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