All about China for Kids

2 months ago

What do you know about the country of China? In All about China for Kids, you will learn a lot of cool facts about this incredible country. For instance, it is the most populated country in the whole world at 1.4 BILLION people! That is four times as many people as live in the USA. In addition, the official name of the country is the People's Republic of China. It is also the fourth largest country and borders a lot of other countries.

Because of China's big size, it boasts lots of different landscapes, like deserts, forests, mountains, and plateaus. In fact, a whole third of the country is covered in mountains. There are thousands of rivers, including the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, throughout the country. And there is also a lot of wildlife all over the various regions, such as the Giant Panda, which is actually an endangered species. There are only around 2,000 pandas alive today!

China is home to one of the world's oldest civilizations. The history of China splits into periods of time called dynasties, the first one being the Xia Dynasty (pronounced like shaw) over 4000 years ago. And during the Qin Dynasty, the Great Wall of China was built, and the people developed advanced technology in mathematics and infrastructure. The last emperor was overthrown in 1912, and the country became a republic. But then in 1949, the current communist government overthrew the republic following a civil war.

There are so many cool attractions and landmarks to visit in China. Besides the Great Wall of China, there is the site of the terracotta army, a series of statues that represent Chinese warriors. They were buried under ground for more than 2,000 years! The Forbidden City is another great attraction, a place that was home to 24 of China's emperors. It was built around 1420 AD. Can you guess why it's called the forbidden city?

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