All about India for Kids

2 months ago

What do you know about the country of India, located on the continent of Asia? In All about India for Kids, you will learn some interesting facts about the country, including its history, it's unique flag, famous landmarks, and more. By the end of the video, you'll know a lot and be able to share the information with your friends.

India has a population of around 1.39 billion people, which is over a billion more than the U.S. population! Even though they have a lot of people, the country is only one-third the size of the United States. It borders Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Myanmar. Most of it actually forms a peninsula because it's surrounded by water on three sides. The country also boasts a lot of different terrains, such as deserts and plains.

A few important historical figures you'll learn about include Aryabhata, who was an astronomer and mathematician. He determined that the earth rotated around its axis daily. His work would help scientists and mathematicians hundreds of years later. Mahatma Ghandi is another significant person in Indian history. Ghandi was a civil rights leader who led a peaceful campaign against the British government that ruled India at the time. His campaign eventually led to India's independence.

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