2 months ago

Before you watch this video please subscribe, it would be greatly appreciated. The first weaponized weather patent was given in 1891, by the United States patent office. It was a method for producing rainfall. By 1937, 9 more weaponized weather patents had been issued, which gave the Rothschild Zio Cabal 3 catastrophic abilities, 1. the ability to produce chemtrails out of airplanes, 2. block out the sun, and 3. to make it rain or precipitate. By this time, they were already using aluminum in their chemical concoctions, as well as zinc oxcide which we know as the greatest sunblocker in human history. To date, over 250 weaponized weather related patents, have been issued in the United States alone. The weaponized weather, and climate creation, that we all know, see, and experience today, began its development over 100 years ago. Climate change is nonsense. We live in a contained, self-healing, self-regulating system, which is 100% necessary to create climate and weather. God and Mother Nature have not teamed up together, and decided after 5000 years, to suddenly unleash weaponized weather hell on earth. The RZC has always employed the world’s best scientific minds, whether that was done by force, coercion, blackmail, extortion, or some other means of manipulation. In just those first 10 patents, from 1891 to 1937, the inventors hailed from Jerusulam, France, Sweden, and America. The push for the greatest weapon in human history was a total world wide effort, created and funded by the Rothschild Zio Cabal, who we know have unlimited resources…that’s how they were able to lock the world in their homes, in 2020, until they took enough of their drugs to let them back out again. This brings us to 1945, and Project Thunderstorm! This was when the RCZ was confident enough in their mind control program, that they took their weaponized weather research out from the shadows, and into plain sight. Up until 1945, all of their work was done in secrecy, through clandestine missions like the Antarctica expeditions, which were really just years long experimentation with early weaponized weather technology. Project Thunderstorm, still lied about its purpose, though, and reasons for existing, but instead of working in the cold conditions of Antarctica, they moved their labs to Florida and Ohio….This is the RZC’s cover story from the National Weather Service, formerly known as the US Weather Bureau, at the time: Prior to and during World War II, the aviation industry, both civilian and military, expanded rapidly but remained vulnerable to adverse weather conditions. After a number of serious thunderstorm-related aircraft incidents, thunderstorms became widely recognized as aviation's most serious weather hazard, yet little was known about them. In 1945, Congress mandated and funded a large-scale, multi-agency meteorological study to investigate the causes and characteristics of thunderstorms. This study, which became known as the Thunderstorm Project, was a coopera

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