Dr. Stefano Scoglio – “These can’t be called Vaccines, they are TOXIC BOMBS” – No Viral Antigens

2 months ago

Dr. Stefano Scoglio, one of the top docs is interviewed by Torsten Engelbrecht.

This guy is interesting. He really believes these vaccines are pure poison to the body and he believe they have yet to prove that the spike protein exists as they test for antibodies and make a guess and he says there is no proof that the virus has ever been isolated, and if not isolated, can we even say it exists?


They used to use Aluminum as the main adjuvant (toxic element) in vaccines to “enhance” the immune systems reaction to an antigen. That is what they anyway.

But why put Aluminum, a toxic heavy metal that if it goes to the brain and allows with other toxic metals such as mercury and copper can it can cause all types of problems, like Autism, ADHH, Cognitive Problems, Neurological Problems, Brain Fog, and Alzheimer’s.

That was bad enough, right?

Top researchers of mRNA take the blood of a vaccinated person and they test it though this ELISA test -- enzyme-linked immunoassay - test for antibodies and they say the mRNA vaccines are so highly immunogenic (able to irritate the immune system so much it reacts violently), in other word HIGHLY TOXIC.

Now they don’t have to use aluminum as the mRNA is so TOXIC – they define it as a SELF-ADJUVANT. So you don’t have to add the toxic heavy metal, aluminum as mRNA is plenty toxic by itself.

The mRNA is so toxic that the second it enters the body the immune system attacks it and explodes into Nano-Particles in the body.

Dr Scoglio says this has been proven AFTERWARDS because the only study done to evaluate the biodistribution of the vaccine is a Japanese study done by the Japan Gov with the cooperation of Pfizer.

Pfizer tried to hide this study, but in this Mouse Study, the vaccine was found in all the cells and in the organs, especially, the Liver, Spleen, Kidney and Female Ovaries.

Dr. Robert Malone claims to be the inventor of mRNA in the 80’s. But he hasn’t been involved with it for over 25 years. He is not an authority as to what is going on.

How do they find the Spike Protein in the Body?

Dr. Stefano Scoglio says it is very easy. There are machines you can buy that isolate this from the body. Have they every isolated them from the Blood? NO.

When they say that there are spike proteins they say this because of ANTIBODY Tests.

Dr. Scoglio says: “The Antibody Test is a Fraud.”

They take the blood cells from a vaccinated patient, they test with the ELISA test and they put it in touch with a Synthetic Spike Protein made in a laboratory. They call it “Recombinant Spike Protein.”

Dr. Scoglio says the problem with antibodies is that they are not really specific. There should be TENS of THOUSANDS of Antibodies for all the diseases but instead they only have 5 immunoglobulins and out of these 5, ONLY 2 are tested, IgE and IgM and the problem is that there is no way of telling that they are specific.

If they were to do a proper test to see if it was specific, you take it and you put it in touch with the spike protein, with aluminum, with the mRNA, with 5 different toxins and ONLY if it responds to the spike protein you can say that it is specific.

Do they EVER do any of these tests for Vaccines?

They take the material with the immunoglobulins (Antibodies) and they put it in touch with the Spike Protein and that reacts.

Why? Because the spike protein reacts to ANY Toxin. So, they could use any vaccine or formula and in their f*cked up way of testing could say this.

These jabs just don’t seem to be designed to prevent a virus.

But since it reacts to the spike protein, they say that the body is full of spike protein.

The Test is a FRAUD.

To attempt to simplify or clarify – when you hear the word spike protein – they are referring to both the Covid Virus – as it contains the pointy proteins said to penetrate cells for invasion and they are also referring to mRNA Vaccines which are instructions for the Body to manufacture Spike Proteins.

To me this makes no f*cking sense whatsoever. It is the said that the spike proteins are what makes a person sick, so adding SYNTHETIC ones doesn’t add to the illness.

Also, there is no way in this world they can identically match those proteins and be antibody specific.

Please if someone is reading this and I am wrong, explain it to me.

These synthetic spike proteins were not supposed to enter the circulatory system but they are going to the liver, spleen, kidney and sex organs.

They lied to us.

We don’t know how long they stay in the body.

Dr. Stefano Scoglio: “These cannot even be called Vaccines, they are TOXIC BOMBS.”

“If they are not able to produce any Viral Antigen, that means they don’t perform as vaccines, so they are not vaccines, they are just toxic bombs.”

Dr. Scoglio says he cannot find any evidence or documents that state the Covid Virus has been isolated. He says they haven’t even proved EXISTENCE of the Virus. We just know people are getting sick, but that’s not proof of what is going on.

Dr. Scoglio says the “Spike Proteins” are spike proteins produced in a LAB not by the Virus.

He says in nature it has never been found, never been isolated, never been found in the blood and all they do is they take a Lab Created Protein that is Toxic and they put it in touch with Antibodies and say that the Antibodies are specific and they conclude there must be Spike Protein in the Body.

It is Fraud he says.

If the virus is not proven to exist, there is not spike protein of the virus. The only spike protein existing is the one made in the lab.

The studies on the spike protein are only on the Recombinant Lab Made Spike Protein.

Dr. Scoglio says “find the spike protein in the blood and then we talk.” It is all indirect through Antibodies and the spike protein tested is always the Recombinant Protein made in the Chinese Lab.

Dr. Scoglio doesn’t believe the vaccinated are contagious.


SOURCE: @dharmaber -- https://odysee.com/@dharmabear:2/Dr-Stefano-Scoglio-and-Torsten-Engelbrecht-Nov-2022:2


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END. 3/11/2024.

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