Muslims are the NUMBER ONE ethnic group in British prisons LMAO!

2 months ago

"The proportion of Muslims among the prison population was greater than that amongst the general population."

Page 23: Religion - As of 30 June 2013 just over 4,600 prisoners (58% of the prison population) in
Scotland indicated that they held religious beliefs. Of these, 93% were
Christian (of various denominations). Muslim prisoners accounted for 4.4%.
Together Buddhist, Sikh, Jewish, Hindu and other religions accounted for
2.7% of the religious prison population. Just over 3,270 prisoners (42% of the
prison population) held no religious beliefs.

The proportion of Muslims among the prison population was greater than that
amongst the general population. According to the 2011 Census 26, Muslims
accounted for around 1.2% of the Scottish population aged 15 and over. In
prison the proportion was over twice that at 2.5%. Aside from the “other”
grouping, no other religion had a higher proportion of representation in
prisons than among the general population. Individuals with no religious
identity accounted for around 41% of the general population and just over
41% of the prison population.

Page 15: At the end of June 2023, just under half of the prison population was of a
Christian faith (44%) – a decrease of 14 percentage points compared with
June 2002. The proportion of Muslim prisoners has increased from 8% in 2002
to 18% in 2022. The proportion of prisoners with no religion in 2023 (31%) was
roughly the same as in 2002.

British "White" population stands at: 81.0% (45.8 million)

The Evening Standard published an article last week by the Shadow Justice Secretary Sadiq Khan, the report revealed that more than a quarter of London’s prison population are Muslims, prompting urgent calls for an inquiry into what is happening in the justice system.,happening%20in%20the%20justice%20system.

One in six prisoners is Muslim

Let me take a wild guess as to why Muslims are overrepresented in prison
We fall at the first hurdle if we accept, as the Lammy Review does, that the criminal justice system is set up to necessarily achieve justice
The British Muslim population is 3.87 million

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