Rahan. Episode Sixty Five. By Roger Lecureux. The Infant Chief. A Puke (TM) Comic.

3 months ago

The son of the Ferocious ages.

Episode Sixty Five.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Andre Cheret.

The Infant Chief.

The ground suddenly began to shake and the son of Crao instantly remembered the tragic night of the blue Mountain.
The nearby volcano, he knew, would soon vomit its fiery entrails.

Abandoning the half-dismembered "Two-horn" he set off in search of a cave.
But will Rahan have time to find refuge!

Oh! They would do well to imitate Rahan!
A few arrow ranges away, hunters and their companions implored the spirits for clemency.
They responded to every rumble of the ground with incantations.

Page Two.

May the good mountain spirits spare our clan!
May good spirits appease the anger of the “Great Mountain!”

Your pleas are in vain, brothers!
“Those-who-walk-upright” must rely only on themselves!
Run away while there is still time! Run away!

Who are you? What allows you to give us orders?
I am Rahan, the son of Crao! Rahan does not give orders, but advice!
The man who had just emerged from a strange hut made of mammoth tusks was obviously the clan sorcerer.

I have just consulted our chief!
He affirms that the “Great Mountain” will calm down and.
Your chief is stupid and Rahan is going to tell him so!

“Hair-of-fire” Violates the leader's secret abode!
Energetically pushing the wizard aside, Rahan rushed into the hut.

Page Three.

And astonishment froze him in place.
Under the large ivory dome, lying on thick, warm furs, he saw only a very young child.
This little man has only seen the green leaf season once!

Your chief is not here! Where is he?
You just saw him!
And those who set eyes on Atara must die!

A leader who cannot stand on his feet yet!?
Rahan has never seen or heard of such stupidity!

“Fire Hair” Despises our revered leader!
Kill him! Gahar commands you!
The hunters were already rushing forward, brandishing their clubs.

The son of Crao repelled the first assault, but his vivacity and strength, although exceptional, did not allow him to confront the pack victoriously.

Page Four.

He was out numbered, he was defeated, and mastered. Clubs were going to crush his skull when.

Wait! If we deliver him alive to the "Grand-Mountain", like Ogoo-the-Profaner, we will attract the favor of good spirits to the clan!

While Gahar-the-sorcerer grabbed his ivory knife, Rahan was firmly tied up
Gahar is lying to you! No sacrifice will calm the "Great Mountain"!

Some hunters dragged him away from the camp, towards the volcano whose sides were now rumbling dully.
They left him there.

Rahan was desperately trying to break his bonds when a voice spoke out.
We will leave together for the territory of shadows!
What? What?

Page Five.

The fiery slime of the “Grand-mountain” will burn our flesh and bones!
A man was lying twenty steps away, also tied up.
Who are you?

I am Ogoo!
Gahar decided that I had to die because I refused to obey the orders he said he had come from little Atara!
Rahan does not understand.

Ogoo recounted how Raykaa, the clan leader, had died two seasons earlier.
But Gahar-the-sorcerer claimed that he still lived in the body of his son, little Atara!

With this lie, Gahar imposes his wishes on the clan!
No one other than he can approach Atara, who, he claims, relays his father's orders to him!

It was because I opposed this deceiver that he demanded my death, claiming, of course, that it was Raukaa who demanded it through the mouth of his son!
The rumblings grew louder.
The eruption could happen at any moment!

Page Six.

Neither Ogoo nor Rahan will die!
Rahan will untie your bonds!
Getting close to Ogoo was difficult for the son of the ferocious ages.

To get his wrists free, when the knots resisted, he sheared them with his teeth.
Your turn Ogoo!
Rid Rahan of these vines!

Their hands free, the rest was childishly easy.
He was rushing away from the "Gand-Mountain" when the fantastic explosion rang out.

The crest of the volcano was crowned with reddish clouds from which a terrifying geyser of fire and molten rock gushed.

In a few seconds it was an inferno.
The ground cracked, releasing jets of steam.
Rocks rolled down the "Grand-mountain."
Others rained down from the sky, from all sides.

Page Seven.

Yours finally understand that they have nothing to expect from good spirits!
And Gahar is not the last!
The whole clan fled in indescribable panic.

And Atara!?
Why didn't you save Atara!?
Uh. Through the mouth of Atara, Raukaa told me that he did not want to flee the fire of the "Great Mountain"!

As they rushed into the deserted camp.
Despite the noise of the volcano, Rahan and Ogoo could hear cries.
The coward! Gahar abandoned Atara to so he could flee faster!

Go Ogoo, go. Join yours!
Perhaps Rahan can save the little man!
As the incandescent stones fell everywhere, Rahan rushed towards the sacred hut.

The child was there.
Frightened by the incessant rumbling and explosions of volcanic bombs.
He only stopped crying when the strong hands of the son of Crao grabbed him.

Page Eight.

He had not gone a hundred steps when the hut collapsed, dislocated by a huge rock!
Atara narrowly missed it!

The anger of the Great Mountain redoubled.
Here and there were worrying cracks that Rahan had to jump.

He saw the clan taking refuge on a rock platform at the edge of a salient.
“Hair-of-Fire” has defiled Atara with his hands!

Unaware of what the hunters' reactions would be, the son of Crao froze.
Rahan told you that no sacrifice would appease the “Grand-mountain”!

Gahar lied to you!
Gahar deceived you by claiming that Raukaa-the-chief spoke to him through the mouth of Atara!
Atara, like all little men, does not yet speak!

Page Nine.

And since Gahar and him alone!
Had the privilege of seeing and touching Atara.
Why did he not do anything to protect him!?

Gahar is just a coward!
To save his miserable life he did not hesitate to abandon the child he said he venerated!

The hunters observed Rahan, then the sorcerer, then Rahan.
But they did not flinch.
Kill him! Kill him!

Then, mad with Rage, Gahar descended the Rocks, rushing towards the son of fierce ages!
The bone points of his formidable head smasher reflected the fire of his eyes.

The “Grand Mountain” thundered even more loudly.
The ground shook more fiercely.
Rahan placed the child on the ground, to face the sorcerer who was coming towards him.

Page Ten.

He was unarmed but he knew how to parry the first blow.
His hand flew towards his ivory knife, and slid into Gahar's belt.

Rahan will not let you steal his life!
Knife versus “Head breaker”. Rahan was ready for an unequal fight.

When a shock, stronger than the others threw him off balance.
Screaming with joy Gahar, rushed towards his opponent who was on the ground.

Rahan reared up instinctively, avoiding the fatal blow.
But the weapon clipped his wrist with incredible violence.
And his cutlass fluttered far away!

He was at the mercy of the sorcerer!
But he suddenly faltered and the son of Crao felt the earth open beneath him!
His hands grabbed at a root.

Page Eleven.

Clinging to this root he is alive to everything at once.
Gahar, who disappeared into the crevasse and the child who fell there in turn!

An extraordinary reflex made him grab one of the infant chief’s legs in mid-air!
But now, his good hand was no longer of any help to him.

And he would not find the strength in his injured hand to hold on for very long!
By abandoning Atara, he could still save himself.

But this thought did not even cross his mind.
We will live Atara! Yours are coming!

Despite the rumblings of the "Grand-Mountain" he heard the clamors of the hunters who were quickly approaching the crevasse.

Ogoo was the first to look into it.
“Hair of Fire” is alive!
He has saved Atara once again!
Bring us vines!
Quickly! Quickly!

Page Twelve.

An instant later.
Rahan shouted with joy, because what he had feared had not happened.
His knife had not disappeared into the bowels of the earth!
What is happening "Fire hair"?

Gahar unmasked himself in front of my brothers!
No one will cry for this coward!
But our clan, now no longer has a sorcerer or leader!

Rahan maliciously observed the hunters.
One day, perhaps Atara will become head of the clan.
But many seasons will pass before he becomes strong and brave like his father!

Until that day, why would the clan not appoint as leader the one who first had the wisdom and courage to oppose Gahar the perfidious!

The "Grand-Mountain" still thundered while Ogoo was being hailed.
But the earth no longer shook and the clan was safe.
Who would adopt Atara?
The son of Crao, happy, took pleasure in watching the women happily arguing over he who had been "The Infant Chief".


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