Superbowl Parade Staged Mass Shooting Hoax!

3 months ago

Another staged mass shooting hoax has been engineered, this time at the superbowl parade in Kansas City.

Before 1980 there wasn’t one single mass shooting ever reported or documented in the history of mankind, and there still isn’t, because they are not real. They claim this is the 48th mass shooting this year. A few years ago they claimed there were 3 mass shooting per day. They’re all fake, Folks, just like serial killer hoaxes. It’s all about fear and control.

The Rothschild zio cabal own the minds of 95% of the realm wide population, or even greater. Before I started researching the truth about this world 15 years ago, I believed all their bullschit too.

These staged hoaxes always focus on gun control, and taking away what’s left of our freedoms and human rights.

Fear and truama based mind control is how they keep us from overthrowing them, and it all starts before we are even born.

The paranoid, and deranged little runts who own, control, and run this world are frightened to death that enough of us will wake up and give them what’s coming to them.

There’s never any evidence to prove any of these staged events. There’s a multi-billion dollar crisis actor, and production industry that’s just more CIA Hollywood crap….always removing the lines between reality and fiction. Fake blood, laughable PCR attempts, brutally untalented crisis actors, mistakes made by the idiot media, etc etc.

Listen to the female police officer at the podium reading her script, in complete mockery she says it’s because of 2 bad actors that she was standing there on the podium reading her script.

Truth in plain sight, Folks! Truth in movies, lies in the news. The Rothschild Zio Cabal think they are GOD, and their God Code says they must tell us everything they are doing to us, which they do, but it is our fault that it continues because we don’t do anything about it.

Never do we ever see video or images of anything that’s ever real about these staged events.

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