230. Having A Hard Time Managing All The Housework? As A Homeschool Mom Try These Tips Today!

3 months ago

Your mental housework to-do list as a homeschool mom is a mile long. There is so much that needs to be done...and many tasks you want to get done.

This is the life you have wanted: your children home with you, but now it feels so hard to keep up with the chores. The days fly by and things just aren't getting done.

Today, I have a handful of tips that you can begin using immediately. And you'll start to see results go up and your frustration over managing home tasks going down.

Grab a pen and paper to take notes...and then to work on your very own lists so you can finish the day seeing tasks checked off that list!

♥ Leigh

CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

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Listen to these related episodes:

217. Feeling Frustrated That The Housework Never Ends? How To Get All The Chores Done Each Homeschool Day https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/217-feeling-frustrated-that-the-housework-never-ends/id1607943103?i=1000640227006

122. 5 Reasons You Aren’t Productive In Your Homemaking As A Homeschool Mom https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/217-feeling-frustrated-that-the-housework-never-ends/id1607943103?i=1000640227006

30. Top 3 Spring Cleaning Tips for the Stay at Home Homeschooling Mom and How to Deep Clean and Keep Up with Housework https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/30-top-3-spring-cleaning-tips-for-the-stay-at-home/id1607943103?i=1000557218858

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