Going On Buddah Is Calling Podcast to Discuss The M-Vac System

2 months ago

As the host of All Things Crime and President of M-Vac Systems, Jared occasionally gets the opportunity to go on other podcasts and shows to discuss the M-Vac system and how we came to be where we are.

And what a journey it's been! To think the M-Vac started in the food industry by collecting E Coli, Salmonella, Listeria, and other adulterants, or at least it was supposed to be used in that capacity, and then was pivoted into forensic DNA collection is wild at best.

Of all the miracles that happened, the fact that no major product changes were needed to use the M-Vac to collect bio stains, touch DNA, or any other forensic material, is truly astounding. But Dr Bruce Bradley created an amazing system that was years if not decades ahead of its time so the transition was almost seamless!

COVID-19 happened and the whole world was turned upside down, including our ability to reach customers in the ways we had been for years. So the video and podcast All Things Crime was created, mostly for content to send to customers and post on various social media sites.

Now we're here, and it's a great place to be! Hope you enjoy the interview. Apologize in advance for the areas of poor audio but that's one of the major issues with recording interviews from across the world.

All Things Crime is a new, comprehensive video series that will explore every aspect of crime and the ensuing investigation, one video interview at a time. The host, Jared Bradley, is the President of M-Vac Systems, which is a wet-vacuum-based forensic DNA collection system and has experience traveling the world training all levels of law enforcement and crime lab DNA analysts in using the M-Vac to help solve the crime. Along the way he has met people from all walks of life and experience in investigating crimes, so is putting that knowledge to use in another way by sharing it in these videos.

If you are interested in more videos about the M-Vac, DNA, and investigations, also check out the M-Vac's channel @https://www.youtube.com/c/MVacSystems...

#coldcase #AllThingsCrime #dna

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