Could the latest Corbyn rumour destroy Starmer’s hopes of a majority?

5 months ago

Rumours have suddenly spiked in the media that Jeremy Corbyn is about to launch his own party. Would you join it?
Right, so this is a question that has often been asked over the last four years and arguably more so since he was barred against the rules of the Labour Party rulebook from standing for the Party again, singled out over that as he was, but is Jeremy Corbyn going to launch his own party now?
The reason I ask is that all of a sudden there’s a bit of media chatter on the matter with the London Economic, the Daily Fail and Gbeebies amongst others all debating whether something is in the offing. Now is this more mischief on the part of the media to wind up a load of disenfranchised rotten lefties? Or is there some truth in the matter? Well for my money, I’ll believe it when it comes from Corbyn himself, but with an election all but certain at some point this year, should Corbyn wish to stand for Islington North again, he will have to walk away from the Labour Party to do so, he is still a member we shouldn’t forget, just one with restrictions from standing for parliament, so all eyes are on him doing something soon, but could it be a lot more than just standing as an independent?
Right so, is Jeremy Corbyn going to start a new party? Would you join it if he did? And how would that affect the state of play as we see things right now?
Well this is one of those stories from ‘Labour insiders’ from ‘sources close to Corbyn’, so as much as we might love to see it, it might all be a lot of mischief, but my goodness in four years the talk and hope that he would do something has never gone away. Four years into being Labour leader, Keir Starmer is still afraid of him, in his speech just this week, where he was supposed to be setting out his stall, but ended up becoming all about Peter Mandelson, he still felt he had to mention Corbyn and attack him as somebody the party has moved on from. We know it has moved on from that. Moved on from hope and inspiration, to this is the best you’re going to get, it’s the Tories or us, slightly less awful, but that’ll be a matter of opinion.
The centrists of course are already wailing that this will split the left vote, that if Corbyn launches something ready for the General Election this year, which leaves very little time in my opinion, but this is the mood music on the subject, then it could blow Labour’s chances of a majority to hell. The old, you’ll let the Tories back in excuse. Now, you know this is what centrists are saying, because anyone genuinely of the left will have already have left Labour and will likely be pointing out that Starmer’s bunch are just a load of red Tories, this channel for example. A large number of people have become disaffected and disenfranchised by Starmer and Labour, won’t vote for them, won’t vote Tory either, the other parties are not necessarily appealing right now. Many of them will have been enthused and inspired by Corbyn’s vision for the country, that has been taken from us by Starmer promising it all and abandoning pretty much everything he ever stood for, killing the Corbyn project and the hope of a better country off entirely.

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