This Palestine attack is the WORST example of journalism ever!

5 months ago

Is Julia Hartley-Brewer's awful Talk TV interview with Palestinian MP Dr Mustafa Barghouti the worst interview ever?
Right, so British journalism is amongst the most distrusted and despised globally and Julia Hartley-Brewer, or Hatey Spewer might be more accurate has possibly given the worst interview bar none that I’ve ever witnessed. Not only did she incessantly interrupt, her guest, a Palestinian MP, but she indulged in petty racism and anti Arab tropes whilst she was at it. All Arabs and Muslims hate women apparently, so says a mainstream supposed journalist! The level of disrespect shown was shocking, the fact she wouldn’t even let him explain some of the most fundamental and basic issues because she wanted to spout off over the top of him, she literally made Fox News look professional, which isn’t saying a lot given this interview took place on the British equivalent, both stations having the same billionaire business daddy. Right now Palestinians are being slaughtered in their tens of thousands, Hartley-Doodah’s guest is, apart from a Palestinian MP and eminent physician who has devoted his life to public health and his community. He deserved a professional interview to make his very credible points. That isn’t Talk TV and I hope the whole world learns to realise that and if you haven’t seen it yet, stay tuned.
Right so when I started this channel, I did so coming from a position of already despising our mainstream media, with their total lack of impartiality, their overwhelmingly right wing bias across much of the print media and with the TV media seemingly saying how high, each time the government of the day say jump. This was especially the case of the BBC, but worse even than them, was the rise of tabloid TV essentially, news channels little better than much of the nonsense being spread in print and of course like so many of our papers it is owned and backed by billionaire press barons, so why should any of us familiar with that be surprised the TV ‘news’ they tell us is any better? If you shun the Murdoch S*n, why would you watch his TV News channel Talk TV, especially when he employs the likes of Julia Hartley-Brewer as a so-called journalist to conduct interviews as absolutely ridiculous, insulting and shameless as the one she just has? It’s not just Murdoch that platforms this dreadful woman either. She’s permanently on shows like Question Time on the BBC, when she serves a role, not to inform, but to dumb people down as the media kept us for so long, before social media gained as much prominence as it has? Where else can we now hold her to account, when the system supposedly in place to deal with incident like this are incapable of doing so? This interview cannot be allowed to stand without consequences, it is that bad, but judge for yourself before I get into it:
Throughout it all, she’s pulling faces, she’s feigning disinterest and disgust, she treats Dr Mustafa Barghouti with the utmost disdain and disrespect in her attitude.

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