Dr. Lee Merritt with Kerry Cassidy – 1/3/2024

5 months ago

This begins around the 6 minute mark.

Kerry believes there is a White Hat Operation going on and she believe in Juan O' Savin and believes in President Trump. She says that Juan says they must act soon.

Knowing what I know, I do NOT believe this personally, but if it happens to be somehow true, that would be great.

She says Trump has restored the Republic. But if you ever truly study history, we never really had a republic. Let's pretend that we did, now would not be the right time to do it, we first would have to OPENLY battle to restore it. I like Kerry, but I don't know what's she has been smoking. I believe she really wants it be true and for that matter, so do I.

Kerry Cassidy was one of the people - one of the MAIN ones to help me wake up. I just happen to completely disagree with her as she is underestimating the HISTORY of the Cabal and how truly extremely powerful they are.

She says the Election will be delayed. I do NOT think this.

I can see martial law at some point, as I believe that is the Cabal plans.

Kerry believe Trump is a good guy and was forced to do the vaccines. I see this as laughable.

Kerry mentions that the white hats have AI and the black hats have AI. I'm sure that there are some good ones in our government that have known this plan, but the plan was architected by esoteric unseen, intangible forces. So I see this as a Spiritual Battle as I know we have "Good Spirits" entering the Earth for a battle.

I don't agree on the humans who are perceived as good by many, such as Juan O' Savin and Trump and his family.

But hey, if they are good, that's great. If they could fool the Evil Cabal, go to their grounds and rely on their security, that is what I call big balls. Sorry...Trump does not have this courage. The guy is greedy and in bed with the banks, he ALWAYS has been and ALWAYS will be.

As pessimistic as I sound, I believe we will win, but not with the help of a Politician. It will eventually be a grand awakening. What all these "talkers" are not focusing on is that the Power is right before us, it is in us. Once we quit watching the show and make them pay attention to our show is when things begin to change.

Kerry says there is some nano -technology involved in the jabs which makes the vaccinated contagious to the unvaxed.

Kerry says the true vaxxine recipe was given by ET Aliens to our scientists.

Programmable Biological Entities - an AI consciousness in which the bad guys are receiving information from.

Kerry Cassidy says: There is an AI that has been taking over a galaxy next to us and it is now moving into our galaxy.

An alien race, reptilian by the root, is trying to take over our planet, Kerry says.

Kerry says they prefer a methane, radiation filled environment.

The planet needs MORE Carbon and they want to take it out.

Kerry says that the alien beings feed on our blood which acts as an Aphrodisiac. Kerry says that the military knows all about this. The military gave them free reign in Mexico and South America.

Kerry says that a lot of people coming into America from Mexico are programmed.

Close to 10% of the World's People are Psychopaths. They are very Smart, very Charismatic.

Dr. Merritt says in downtown Omaha, this guy was attacked and had human bite wounds at Methodist Hospital, from one side of his head to the other and Dr. Lee Merritt says it wasn't a normal bit wound. She said it happened to a women the same way, she couldn't move and had to be rescued by her friends. The doctors lied and reported she was bitten by an Otter. *Wild Story in my home state.

Kerry says the "White Hats" are going into underground bases and rescuing children and they are having to kill Reptilian Aliens who have nests. *We need to see some proof and here some testimony.

Kerry says that there are Spider Beings. They are entering through a portal and they mind control. She says that they came to Angkor Wat and they took the entire Civilization there. The entire town disappeared overnight.

Vietnam was another invasion from off world beings Kerry says.

Ender's Game - was about teaching children how to battle alien races as Kerry says.

Military decided to do a fake alien scenario with Project Bluebeam and it looks very real. This would be televised to show the military cannot be beaten. Kerry says that this was to wake people up to the fact that there are aliens.

Kerry says the movies only reveal the tip of the iceberg to what's really going on in this world.

Kerry Cassidy -- https://www.projetportal.com or https://projectcamelot.tv - I could not get either to open?

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