The October 7th Nova Music Festival survivors are SUING ISRAEL!

5 months ago

Survivors of the Nova Music Festival attack by Hamas & the IDF on October 7th are suing their own security forces for negligence!
Right, so the events of October 7th, Hamas entering Israeli kibbutzes and taking hostages that have kicked off an increase in aggression by Israel on Gaza, not started it, it has been going on for far longer than that, but what did shift was the attention the rest of the world have given these events given the level of atrocity that has been committed by Israel in Gaza since, but for this story we need to go back to that night of October 7th and remind ourselves of what happened. The Hamas operatives heading towards those farmlands, those kibbutzes in a strike against Israel in resisting their occupation, absolutely not condoning how they chose to do that in any way, shape or form, people died, hostages were taken but what they didn’t expect to encounter was a music festival in their way, a music festival that also ended up seeing people die and hostages taken too, though of those who died, more and more evidence is mounting up laying the blame for so many of those deaths at the feet of the Israeli Defence Force.
Now a group of survivors of that night, of that music festival are having their day in court in the very first civil damages case of it’s kind, as they are seeking damages totalling some NIS 200m New Israeli Shekels, equivalent to some $56m, accusing the Israeli security force Shin Bet of negligence, because of course, Israel knew it was coming.
Right, so the Israeli state is getting sued, the Israeli security forces at any rate, so by extension the state, by their own people over the events of October 7th, on grounds of negligence, because the Israeli state knew the attack from Hamas was coming.
If you cast your mind back to when these most recent events began, it was alleged from the very start, that Israel knew Hamas were coming, knew they were planning an attack and they just let it happen. Egypt have repeatedly stated they had warned Israel it was coming, as arbiters often between Israel and Hamas, Egypt were privy to this knowledge, had gathered this intelligence and they passed it on certainly in the belief that in doing so Israel would act upon it and seek to counteract and preserve life. Instead, this most bats**t and right wing of Israeli governments, Netanyahu’s hands tied by the very worst elements of right wing ideology that he chose to go into government with, appear to have allowed this situation to play out and we can only conclude from that and everything that we’ve witnessed since, that that was done deliberately to excuse what they are now doing, committing genocide, violating international law, forcibly moving 2.2m Gazans and seeking to ethnically cleanse Gaza for takeover and settlement by Israel.
To that end, anyone who happened to be caught in the crossfire on October 7th was considered expendable, their lives a price worth paying.
That might seem a blunt and callous thing to say, but we know so many Israeli’s who were killed that night, were killed by the IDF, were killed by their own countrymen.

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