James Corbett Features Etienne & Art of Liberty on #SOLUTIONSWATCH Year End Wrap Up

5 months ago

James Corbett of the Corbett Report featured a short video by Etienne where he
broke down "The Corbett Bump" we received when James featured "Government" -
The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed in 2021! You can see that video at •
How to Present Info for Visual Learne... The Art of Liberty Foundation is in
the middle of our 1st major fundraising drive. We have raised $3668 from 37
donors with a goal to raise $50,000 from 150 donors by December 31st. The true
number is higher because many people have supported us by “Going Paid” on
Substack, which we appreciate and encourage! If you value having an articulate
voice for voluntaryism, will you please consider making a donation today by
“Going Paid” OR ArtOfLiberty.org/Sponsor? - Etienne de la Boetie2

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