Dr. Jane Ruby with Todd Calander -- Wireless (Human) Body Networks -IEEE 802.15.6-2012

5 months ago

Dr. Jane Ruby Todd Calander on Wireless Body Area Networks -- WBAN’s.

I hope people see just what this is, what this means and what their objectives are. I also hope you realize that this wasn’t planned yesterday. To do something to this magnitude took DECADES of meticulous planning.

If we had any kind of true media that actually did their job, they would be ALL OVER this.

This whole pandemic was like a permanent hardware and software installation into the human body so they can monitor us via biosensors. Our bodies will transmit signals that can be read just like a wireless internet signal, but this signal contains information from our body.

It might sound like some Sci-Fi shit, but it sure appears to be true.

When you see the word “Body” below, it is referring to the Human Body.

IEEE 802.15.6-2012 - IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks – Wireless Body Area Networks

Part 15.6 – Wireless Body Area Networks

Short-range, wireless communications in the vicinity of, or inside, a human body (but not limited to humans) are specified in this standard. It uses existing industrial scientific medical (ISM) bands as well as frequency bands approved by national medical and/or regulatory authorities. Support for quality of service (QoS), extremely low power, and data rates up to 10 Mbps is required while simultaneously complying with strict non-interference guidelines where needed.

They are talking about the Bio-rhythm and Frequencies that our Bodies are giving off.

Read the below publication from the American Journal of Bioinformatics. *Note: you can download the PDF file here -- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349881372_Effect_of_Coronavirus_Worldwide_through_Misusing_of_Wireless_Sensor_Networks

Effect of Coronavirus Worldwide through Misusing of Wireless Sensor Networks – from March 2021 – American Journal of Bioinformatics

Corona is a non-communicable sensor disease spreading worldwide through misusing of processed radio frequency. So far higher authorities of health services are facing the undesirable escalating causes of coronavirus towards human beings as a very scientific puzzle comprehensive issue. The study aims to evaluate the maltreating of wireless sensor networks that affect individuals within the body boundary area. Wireless sensor data were collected from individual’s profile, diagnosis and sensor node records at laboratory experiments. The study shows the effect of processed sensor nodes among individual’s body organs to compare with the existing environments. The study illustrates all individuals suffer from sensor disease due to reflecting of wavered sensors at open eyes sights with high speed electromagnetic-radio tracking systems. The overweight and obesity patients are sick from corona disease at less sensor time in a dark environment than that of light conditions. These findings replicate the severe global one health security that the expert provides in active eyes within geographic locations. Systematic healthcare awareness is essential for treatment with medical technological devices but such consciousness is poorly recognized and medication supports are still below par. The study suggests upcoming healthcare paths of a new dynamic alternative approach to promote global public health security concerning Sensor Health Policy and Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

Okay, Wow.

Todd Calander says that they are finding Hydrogel – (one of the ways they get this shit in our body) in Lidocain (what Dentists use) and in Insulin (Diabetics).

He also says that the Unvaccinated are now infected. He says he doesn’t know exactly how yet.

They likely have found ways to get this into everyone through food, water, medicine and air and it is designed for the purpose of sending and receiving information about peoples bodies.

Bill Gates has a patent in which the Body Area Networks – meaning, we the people, will be NODES in their Digital World they are building.

Our bodies are electrical vessels. They are naturally sending out signals all the time, constantly. It appears they have found a way to place biosensors at exact locations in the body and create multiple frequency bands within the body so they can both receive and input signals wireless in our bodies.

We know the jabs have graphene oxide in them and they have mRNA with a specific set of instructions (which have nothing to do with preventing any virus) to somehow build the graphene oxide networks in the body. *Note: they are finding Graphene Oxide inside of those who have received the shot, regardless if it wasn’t in the vaccine.

Todd says the instructions are given to self assemble little computer networks inside our body.

Mike Adams amplified blood samples and found nano-metal networks.

These are not organic materials.

It is creating multiple networks and multiple antennas through the body which can send and receive signals.

What went up all around the world when everyone was locked down in their homes?


Why was that so very important to do this while no one else was allowed to work?

It was a LONG, LONG term plan.

It was so they could connect us to the Internet of Things, to the Cloud and they could begin doing their experiments to see how they worked.

For a very good explanation of all of this Wireless Body Network and the IEEE – you have to watch this -- https://rumble.com/v3zpow1-biosensors-and-mac-addresses-how-do-they-get-the-biosensors-in-me-what-abou.html

Video Source: nonvaxer420 -- https://rumble.com/v3yz7wy-december-1-2023.html?fbclid=IwAR2vPabixAX6wgcAqwUkZ3Wf_obpgE_NjbFwNeH8hSY42dM61SZQ0b2yeHg

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