INDIVISIBLE W/JOHNSTUBBINS: Dinesh D'Souza Unveils Disturbing Trends in Police State Documentary

6 months ago

In a recent episode of "Indivisible with John Stubbins," conservative commentator and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza discussed his latest documentary, "Police State," shedding light on alarming trends that he argues are transforming the United States into an unfree society.

D'Souza, an admired author and filmmaker, delved into the core themes of his documentary, emphasizing the erosion of fundamental inalienable rights such as free speech, religious freedom, and the right of conscience. Drawing on his journey as an immigrant who once came to America enamored with its ideals, D'Souza expressed concern over the gradual loss of these fundamental rights.

The documentary explores various aspects, including historical events like Ruby Ridge, issues of North Korea and capitalism, and the impact of the Patriot Act post-9/11. D'Souza raised questions about the selective prosecution of individuals, such as the lack of accountability for those associated with BLM or Antifa.

A significant portion of the conversation centered on the film's examination of the emergence of a police state. D'Souza discussed the subtle progression towards a society where individual rights are negotiable for political reasons, citing events like 9/11, COVID-19, and January 6th as pretexts for curbing freedoms.

The filmmaker highlighted the film's focus on ordinary citizens facing the consequences of an evolving police state, stressing the importance of recognizing the situation's urgency. He argued that denial among many Americans prevents them from grasping the severity of the shift toward tyranny.

As the conversation continued, D'Souza touched upon the concept of progressivism, describing it as a movement away from the core foundations of the American Republic. He suggested that the term "progressive" is used benignly, masking an agenda that seeks to reshape America into something unrecognizable.

Moreover, D'Souza addressed the issue of historical misinformation, challenging the prevailing narrative that the Democratic Party has undergone a significant ideological switch. He argued that the deep-rooted historical involvement of the Democratic Party in slavery, segregation, and opposition to civil rights should not be overlooked.

In the latter part of the interview, the discussion shifted towards the global context, with D'Souza coining the term "Police Planet." He highlighted the worldwide suppression of liberties and the collaboration of international organizations in shaping a centralized global governance system.

According to D'Souza, the documentary provides an explanatory framework, connecting disparate threads to unveil the architecture of a police state. The film addresses current events and serves as a warning against the potential consequences of unchecked power.

For those interested in watching "Police State," the film is available on multiple platforms, and more information can be found on the official website of Police State Film.

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