youtube channel welcome trailer

2 years ago

Hi, this is Reginald Khu-akaru, founder of Kemetic Centered Living
This is beginner-friendly Kemetic spirituality. On this channel, I will teach you the ancient Kemetic Principles that will help you to live life authentically, unapologetically, and on your terms. How? Because Kemetic spiritual principles are truly about personal growth and empowerment from the inside out.

You are gods and goddesses in training to one day wake up and realize the power you have within you to create your life and the world in the way you desire.

This channel is not about bashing Christianity nor Christians. I do contrast Christianity to Kemetic spirituality. But why? Because the teachings of Christianity originated in ancient Kemet.

I contrast them with the original teachings of ancient Kemet because Christianity either misunderstood or changed them to something almost unrecognizable.
As a former school teacher I understand that students oftentimes need to be able to compare and contrast two ideas in order to understand the difference. Although I can understand why a Christian might think I am attacking their beliefs.
It’s normal for people who have strong beliefs to feel attacked when those beliefs are challenged. I do challenge Christian beliefs. I do provoke thought in funny and sometimes irreverent ways. But it is done to make you think and not meant to bash anyone.
Let me approach this another way. Do you or have you ever regularly repeated these negative Christian affirmations:
1. I was born in sin and shaped in iniquity
2. my righteousness is as filthy rags
3. I'm a sinner, saved by grace

When you look out into the world, do only see the worst aspects of things, events, people, and experiences? If so, you are negatively programmed. The negative programming is what I attack.
The affirmations above are only the tip of the iceberg to a whole set of beliefs and a way of life. This programming produces people that are negative thinkers. A negative thinker will expect the worst possible outcome from just about every situation.

This causes reduced expectations. Negative thinkers do this by only considering the worst possible scenarios in order to shield themselves from disappointment.

People who are negative thinkers oftentimes suffer from low self-esteem and low self-confidence because they focus on the things that are inadequate about themselves. This is how Christian beliefs can tie into low self-esteem and low self-confidence.

Because of doctrines like original sin we were programmed to think negatively about ourselves and others in humanity.

If you believe you’re a sinner, that means you’re focused on what you believe is wrong with you. When you believe you are unworthy, you might believe you are unworthy to have good things in your life. You’re saved by grace but barely worth saving because you are unworthy.

By extension, you see others through this same lens. You might even give yourself a lift when you determine that you’re not as bad off as other people. In other words, you become judgmental of others.

Look around the world within many of the communities of the African diaspora and you’ll see poverty, depression, despair, and hopelessness. And they usually have more churches per capita in these communities than anywhere else in the world.

It is said that people of the African diaspora are the most religious people on the planet. I don't think there is just a coincidence that many of us are also amongst the poorest because of the negative thinking processes of religion.

This poverty is tied constantly affirming I am a sinner, I am a wretch, I am unworthy, and a host of other negative affirmations.

A couple of the most common outcomes of this type of thinking is depression and anxiety. Constantly being in these states lead to disease such as heart disease, high blood pressure caused by hypertension, diabetes, etc. These diseases are at the top of the death rate chart among those of the African diaspora.

Can Christianity be blamed for everything negative in the communities of the African diaspora? Of course not. But by a large measure, it cultivates a negative limiting mindset that is at the root of so many ills within the African diaspora. Those that escape it are the heroic exceptions.

I know through experience and through the success of many of my students that the negative mindset can be reversed when you began to PRACTICE the teachings of Kemetic spirituality and gaining skills with Sacred Process Mastery.

Therefore, my channel is not about attacking Christianity or Christians. It’s about helping those of the African diaspora overcome limiting beliefs based on a foundation of Christian doctrines that are anti-human. Doctrines like original sin, total depravity, and eternal damnation.

If you’re ready to begin living your life from a place of personal authenticity, unapologetically, and on your terms then come to my channel and consume as many videos as possible.

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