Growing in awareness about mk ultra covert handling templates and entering unconscious agreements

6 months ago

Recorded the 24th September 2023, Olya and I are covering different subjects and themes related to the mk ultra programming and milab engineering around real original sparks:

- engineering at work
- boundaries being pushed and being pushed into unconscious programming
- entering contracts and agreements
- different handling templates
- synthetic experiences and mirror traps resembling deepest desires and ego desires or ego seduction
- demeaning mk ultra attacks and covert demeaning ways
- distorted image and false shadows about ourselves
- noticing the details of our interactions with others that reveal their true nature
- side triggers
- covert enemies and handler behaviors
- next level of entrapment
- mk ultra symbolism, skulls, military patterns loops and mantras
- beta sex kitten programming
- covert suggestions to feed lack mentality
- cover stories
- worry programming
- decreasing mk ultra access through phones


New article on
" The subtle aspects of our existence as eternal original sparks of spirit"


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