Trump Pledges 'Single Largest Deportation' In US History At 'Commit To Caucus' Event

7 months ago

Trump Pledges 'Single Largest Deportation' In US History At 'Commit To Caucus' Event
Thank you all for your support tonight! Grateful to Michael for his unwavering backing. Special shout-out to Nevada; more victories ahead. Apologies for the dim lighting; let's wing it tonight. Appreciate everyone here. Thanks to supporters like Phil Ruffin, Clark County GOP chair Jesse Law, and Assemblyman Ken Gray. Special recognition to Michael Wattley in North Carolina GOP. In three months, Iowa caucus kicks off; our journey begins. No prevent defense; together, let's secure a historic win for Nevada. Stop rigged elections, secure borders, and halt threats. Restore energy independence, economic prosperity, and responsible governance. Let's make a difference and ensure a brighter future for our nation. Thank you for your unwavering support!
In 2019, no terrorist threats; now, unprecedented numbers enter due to halted wall plans. Open borders under Biden cause immigration disasters. Reinstating travel bans is crucial for national security. Aim to protect America, reinstate respect, and eliminate threats. Ultimate goal: a safe and strong America.
Trump calls out corruption, mocks Dems, and highlights alleged election irregularities. Lists Republican losses, credits admin for successes, and criticizes Biden's handling. Despite humor, Trump asserts "incompetent fools" are destroying the country.
Facing legal challenges, Trump defends accomplishments, criticizes biased legal environment, and promises to fight. Expresses frustration with the deep state, defends allies, and criticizes disloyalty in politics. Affirms commitment to defending legacy and engaging in politics.
Reflecting on impeachment hoaxes and challenges, Trump highlights soaring approval ratings. Addresses key policy points, emphasizes commitment to free speech, promises to stand up to China, and vows to make America great again in 2024.

❤️THANK YOU SO MUCH to all the viewers who Subscribed my channel, like and comment on my videos. Your support and love motivate me so much❤️
#Trump rally#Nevada victories#Michael support#Phil Ruffin#Clark County GOP#Jesse Law#Ken Gray#Michael Wattley#Iowa caucus#Rigged elections#Secure borders#Energy independence#Economic prosperity#Responsible governance#Patriots#National security#Travel bans#Open borders#Immigration disasters#Hamas#Hezbollah#Biden administration#Election irregularities#Republican losses#Trump administration#Tax cuts#Energy costs#California gas prices#Nuclear warfare#China virus#Space Force#Deep state#Ron DeSantis#Biden's policies#Approval ratings#Ethanol support#Parental rights#Critical race theory#Second Amendment#Free speech#Child sexual mutilation#Far-left gender ideology#Stand up to China#Judeo-Christian values#Israel achievements#American companies#2024 election#Interest rates#Gas prices#Oil dependency#Make America great again#Political disloyalty#Mike Pence#Impeachment hoaxes#Golden shower incident#America's future
Trump rally,Nevada victories,Michael support,Phil Ruffin,Clark County GOP,Jesse Law,Ken Gray,Michael Wattley,Iowa caucus,Rigged elections,Secure borders,Energy independence,Economic prosperity,Responsible governance,Patriots,National security,Travel bans,Open borders,Immigration disasters,Hamas,Hezbollah,Biden administration,Election irregularities,Republican losses,Trump administration,Tax cuts,Energy costs,California gas prices,Nuclear warfare,China virus,Space Force,Deep state,Ron DeSantis,Biden's policies,Approval ratings,Ethanol support,Parental rights,Critical race theory,Second Amendment,Free speech,Child sexual mutilation,Far-left gender ideology,Stand up to China,Judeo-Christian values,Israel achievements,American companies,2024 election,Interest rates,Gas prices,Oil dependency,Make America great again,Political disloyalty,Mike Pence,Impeachment hoaxes,Golden shower incident,America's future

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