Marina Abramović Ukraine’s Official Spirit Cooker: Zelenskyy Picks Devil Worshiper As New Ambassador

8 months ago

The tide is turning and the American people are giving up on Zelenskyy and the Ukraine war.
RAMZ PAUL, host of the RamzPaul show, joins Stew to talk about the bloody insanity of the war in Ukraine.
Ukraine continues to openly promote evil and degeneracy.
In June, Zelenskyy’s government canceled all elections during the war.
Ukrainians are stuck with martial law and a dictator.
Last week, Zelnskyy asked satanic witch Marina Abramović to serve as an ambassador to his country.
Marina was the woman who was mentioned throughout the Podesta email scandal.
Marina Abramović likes to spirit cook and paint walls in real blood all while claiming it's "art".
Zelenskyy wants a devil worshiper to serve as his ambassador.
There is a spirit of evil in the world.
The enemy used to hide this evil but now they openly flaunt their satanic proclivities.
Americans are being asked to support an evil dictator with U.S. tax dollars.
All the while, thousands of Ukrainians are being slaughtered by the Russian military.
Kevin McCarthy is going back on his word and is planning to send more money to Zelenskyy.
The CIA backed coup from 2014 inside of Ukraine is continuing and being enabled by warmongering neocons.
Marina Abramović is not simply an entertainer or performance artist.
She is a satanist and much of her art has to do with children.
Unironically, Zelenskyy is putting her in charge of children’s schools.
The western media narrative is finally starting to reflect the reality on the ground in Ukraine.
Ukraine is losing this war and their country will be carved up and given to Russia, Poland, and Hungary.
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