☀️ American Direction — remarks to Conservative Political Leaders — Ronald Reagan 1988 * PITD

9 months ago

☀️ American Direction — remarks to Conservative Political Leaders — #RonaldReagan 1988 * PITD
White House Briefing for Conservative Political Leaders July 5, 1988 Excerpt

You know, for 8 years, this White House has been guided by your vision and your ideals. And what an 8 years it's been -- so much achieved in so many areas. It reminds me of what a Hollywood great, Sam Goldwyn, one of the founders of MGM, once said when he got worked up about a script. Sam Goldwyn had a way with words. He said, ``That story is wonderful. It's magnificent. It's prolific.'' [Laughter] Well, ``wonderful, magnificent, and prolific'' describe the 8 years of what the press never tires of saying is the most conservative administration to come to Washington in generations. Well, of course, for some of us a generation is forever. [Laughter]
We all remember the inflation and stagnation that the taxes, the spending, and regulations of liberalism gave America in the late seventies. We remember how the liberals used the sign of failure to tell us that America needed more of their old, bitter medicine. Imagine, less than a decade ago, some in this town were saying seriously that the way to make America grow and the way to get people back to work harder was to raise taxes. And we remember that somehow our leaders had lost sight of a faith, a basic fundamental faith, that has guided Americans since that day more than 200 years ago when a small group of men, meeting in Philadelphia, signed their names to a document that began, ``We, the people.'' Yes, it was a faith in the people they had lost, a faith in the basic goodness, decency, and wisdom of the American people and what our founders called the American experiment.
We conservatives brought that faith back to Washington. And today America's in the longest economic peacetime expansion on record. More people have been at work this year than ever before on record. We are in an entrepreneurial boom unlike any the world has ever seen. That boom has produced a technological flowering that is unmatched not only in the world but in world history.
Conservative writer George Gilder has pointed out that in the entire Industrial Revolution productivity increased by a factor of 100. Already microelectronics have skyrocketed the productivity of information-based industries by more than a million. No wonder America is exporting more than ever this year, and no wonder that when you look at the potential employment pool in the United States -- and that's everyone, male and female, 16 years of age and up -- think of it, everybody in the United States over the age of 16, including retirees and everything else, that pool, the proportion of it that is at work is higher than ever before in our history -- 63.6 percent of them are employed.
But that isn't all that putting our principles to work has meant for this nation we love. It's meant judges on the Federal bench across our country who know that every criminal is not a victim of society and that equal justice means justice for the victims of crime.
And it's meant, around the world, an America that once again stands up for its principles, that has embraced a forward strategy for freedom, that will proclaim the gospel of democracy and liberty from every mountaintop, and that in this world, this dangerous place, knows that the one road, the only road, to peace is through American strength. We've come so far. Who would have believed when I took the oath of office 7\1/2\ years ago that, almost for the first time since the end of the Second World War, the Soviet Union would today be pulling out of a nation, Afghanistan, and not clothed in victory?
And still, my friends, all we've done, all we've achieved, all the promise for the future that we've opened up for our nation could be lost in just a few months. Our opponents are putting together a campaign that is subtle and clever. The American people understand what liberalism means and don't like it. So, our opponents plan to go to the voters incognito. They're putting on political trench coats and sunglasses
If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns please leave them below. Thanks for watching and make it an outstanding day! *** I am a proud American, blessed father, a staunch 2A activist and a Marine Corps Veteran that just happens to be 100% blind. This is a look at the Second Amendment, firearms, self Defense, Constitutionally protected rights, Liberty and Freedom from the perspective of a Visually Impaired, Blind American.
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